2p S. Italy

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" Again with the back lash, nothing will please these people. "

Fashion shows were starting to be protested around the globe, seeing that its clothing line were meant for the size zero, insanely beautiful, and filthy rich.  The average human body was looked down upon for the plastic silicone rubber models. Many designers started to have different ethnic models, then androgynous models, and now plus size, but the whole show was turning into a disaster. The angered mob outside the doors would have nothing of the sort. Because Flavio Vargas ,the famous fashion designer, had no such model.

Flavio paced back and forth in his studio. No one could get into the show and most of his models couldn't leave their own hotel room out of fear. He had to cancel the show of course and managed to reschedule in four months. His let out an sigh and told the crew to go home once he got news of the protesters disbanding.

He packed up some of his supplies and headed out of his studio for his car.

" Wait! Sir, hold up! " a voice cried out behind him. The sound of hurried foots step grew louder and louder. He had no time for this and was almost in his car, but the person grab a hold of the car. " Wait, if I can just have a moment of your time Mr. Vargas. " a girl panted.

" I don't have any to give at the moment, schedule an appointment for next week. " he said sharply.

" I have tried on several occasions sir, but you would never see me. So please if you can take a look at my resume here-" she persisted and opening her bag to pull out a blue folder and handing it to him. Flavio frowned and took the folder and flipped through its contents.

" Fresh out of college...designer and model? " he quirked a brow at her. He looked her up and down, her hair a little messed up from running over to him, she wore a navy blue, short sleeved summer dress that when all the way to her ankles. A little red ribbon around her waist that matched the flats she wore. Her face was quite lovely. She was on the shorter side for a " model " and she had a strong, athletic figure though. More built up then the thin slender athletes.

" Yes sir. "

" Hm. "

" You can keep that copy Mr. Vargas. " she smiled showing her white teeth.

" I'll give you a call whenever I can..."

" (full name)"

" Yes, (name) I'll give you a call... Now remove your hand off my door. " he tossed her paper work into the passengers side. He got in his car and drove off.


" Nothing! I cannot think of anything for this new show. " Flavio crumbled up his hundredth sketch and threw it into the over flowing trash bin.

He slumped into his chair defeated. The show is in a month. A month to come up with a few new ideas, make them, and then present them. He got up to get a new sketch paper, but knocked over the trash bin, he groaned in frustration. But something  caught his eye, a blue folder. He picked it up and look through it. There were twenty or so sketches of beautiful clothes and then a resume with a picture stapled to the back.

" (name). (name). (name). Why is that familiar?" He looked at the picture, it was the girl who stopped him from getting into his car. He quickly called up some of his designers to start making the clothing. Then got into his car, he was going to meet the girl in person who was going to save his show.


A loud knocking at my door startled me out of my daydreaming. I nearly ripped the paper I was designing on.

"Coming!" I checked my phone to see if anyone called and sighed heavily seeing that I haven't gotten word from Mr. Vargas. I knew it was a long shot, but I still had a little hope left. I gave him my resume about three months ago.

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