2p Russia

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The village needed to present a sacrifice. If they appease the Beast for these three nights, they will be spared. The offerings were always animals: pigs, lambs, goats, or even a mule. There has not been a human sacrifice in over 20 years.

(Y/n) was cursed. Or so she thinks. Misfortune follows her at every corner. The other villagers avoided her as best they could. She was the only one to survive the Beast. Since that fatefully night, she was shuned by most.

She walked through the thick woods. Unafraid. She knew she wasn't alone. The villagers never venture this far out.

"I know you're there. Come out so I can see you." She spun around to face the creature, but was surprised to see a man. "Who are you?"

The man was extremely tall, wearing clothing made of various animal hides. The one feature that throw her off was his dark red eyes. The same eyes that she saw that night, the very eyes that haunted her dreams. " You know who I am. "

" Stay away from me! You've brought nothing, but pain and terror into my life. "

"Those pathetic people, they were so quick to cast you out. Soon I'll take what's mine. " he growled.

"My family didn't have an animal to give. So they offered me and instead of taking me you let me live, " she stood her ground, " Its been years now, what are you waiting for? What do I have?"

The man laughed, barring his sharp canines. He was suddenly upon the girl knocking her down. Pinning her there.  " I've lived for centuries. Waiting for someone to end this curse."

"Curse? " she gulped as he inhaled her scent. He went rigid as the moon revealed its face from the clouds. His voice warped between mans and  creatures as he spoke. "I will not be alone." His smooth face contorted to form a maul. Thick brown fur covered his body. He nearly doubled in size. Hands that gripped the girl's wrist turned to long, clawed paws. The Beast that she knew had stalked her since birth, the day she was offered. That had caused all the villagers to shun her out of fear he would kill them. The Beast that waited so long for her to come to him willingly on a full moon. She knew what was her destiny and fear she once held it him melted away.

" You won't hurt me. " Her voice came out calm and steady. He sat up and moved off of her so she could sit up. Carefully she reached out a hand to run her fingers through his fur. He dared not move, watching as she examined him. " All this time you protected me. The deaths and accidents were of those that were going to kill me."

" You no longer fear me." he stated, his voice rumbling.

" I do not. " He nodded. Then stood up on his hind legs. He trapped ahold of the girl. Carrying her as one would cradle a baby.

She stayed silent. Watching the torches of her village fade. Only the light of the moon lit up the wood. He didn't speak and it felt as if its been hours of walking in the woods. The girl was nearly asleep when he spoke again.

" We're home. " he walked up to the stone house. Never had she seen a home of stone. Once he entered he set her down on the bed.

" I must go. You can rest here. Don't leave." He had stayed calm as possible throughout their journey here. The beast within needed to hunt. He needed to prepare. The creature was always able to stay calm around her. He couldn't kill the child that, because  for once his only emotion in that form wasn't bloodlust. He kept her safe. Waited til she was older. Kept those filthy men from hurting his future mate.

He smelled his prey at the edge of the forest. A great stag stood by the edge of the stream. It had not the slightest clue it was in danger. The werewolf crept closer, before striking the poor animal. He ate some of his kill saving the rest for his mate.

(Y/n) slept soundly in bed. Until she woken up by a loud thud. Before her was a half eaten stag. Its eyes still frozen in fear and leaking blood all over the floor. The wolf crouch down as if trying to offer it to her. His red eyes boring into her. "What's this?" She asked. He gave no reply, only nudging the carcass closer to her with a whine.
She looked at it and grabbed a small piece of meat from its broken leg.

" Oh dear god." She mumbled under breath before eating it. She forced it down and look at him. " Thank you."
He didn't say a word as he dragged the carcass away into a corner. He climbed into bed after and curled up around her. He dosed off to sleep when (y/a) fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar place. With a person holding me tightly by the waist. They groaned and stretched out. Nestling their face into the crook my neck.

" You're awake. " the man spoke as he turned me onto my other side to face him. His red eyes look worn. Much older than his face shown. I remembered were I was and who he is.

" Why did you take me here? " I asked.

" I need a safe place for my mate. I'm glad you excepted me. " he traced his finger across my face in a dreamlike state. " You're mine and I am yours."

" The stag, but you were... There was blood all over you. You changed into a wolf. " I tried to process what he was telling me. My mind still fuzzy from sleep.

"You liked my gift so I cleaned it up earlier this morning for you to eat later. After that I washed up. You were still asleep. So I decided to rest with you."

" I know what you are, but I don't know who you are. Or what your plans are with me. "

" My name is Victor. So you are curious as to why I choose you, yes? " I nodded waiting for him to continue. " I am one of the first true werewolves and there comes a time were went must take a mate for life. I have been around for centuries and no one has survived when I changed. Except for you. I was more hungry for blood than usual that season. Few men fell before my rage and in hopes of satisfying my hunger they offered you. Out of wedlock, the sin of your parents manifested. For once I did not kill. You looked at me and didn't cry out at my form. After that I watched as you grew. Make sure no harm fell to you, only to others that aimed to harm you. When you became of age I kept any other man away. I waited for when you would come to me. So now I can have you as my, " he paused thinking, "what do they call it...wife. " He pulled me closer to his body to capture my lips. I wasn't as shocked as I thought I would be. Even kissing him back. Letting him take me. Moaning his name as he made love to me. I was his. He was mine. We were mated for life.

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