Chapter Five: The Party

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I stared in the mirror and frowned. I decided I would go with Tyson. He had been coming over at night for the week and we would do the same thing we did the one night. It was really fun, tonight will be better though. I looked away from the mirror and got into my dresser. I took out an outfit, I slipped my boring clothes off and changed into a half top that showed my stomach, my ripped up tights with some decently short shorts on. I loosed my curls up a little bit. And for my face I didn’t put too much on, just some eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed my small bag that contained my notepad. I walked downstairs and put my combat boots on. I walked out and waited for Tyson to arrive. When he did I got in and we drove off.


I sat on the couch sketching feeling kind of left out. There was empty beer cups everywhere which of none of them had I consumed. The group of kids there was basically populated with kids I really didn’t know. Bella was quite wasted. She was dancing with any man she laid eye on. And for some reason I just hoped and prayed Gabe would see her. Tyson walked over and sat with me. “Want a drink?” He asked setting a hand on my thigh. I nodded no and continued sketching. “Alright, what are you sketching?” He asked looking at my pencil moving as fast as lightning.

“My life.” I answered dully. Tyson sighed realizing I was pretty upset. He took the pencil out of my hand and set the sketchbook to the side. and stood with me taking my hand. “Listen Eva, I know you hate what happened on Tuesday. But think about now!” He said trying to reassure me.I smiled to convince him I was okay. Clearly, it wasn’t.

“Eva, this is a party. Have fun, please.” He pleaded.

“Fine, I’ll attempt to have fun. ” He kissed my cheek gently and I set my bad hand on his shoulder. He frowned when he saw it but shook it off.

Tyson and I sat on the couch just chilling and talking for awhile. We weren’t doing anything special. I mean we held hands once but that wasn’t nothing. About thirty minutes later Gabe walked in and realized us once again. My ears all of a sudden didn’t work and I couldn’t hear a thing Tyson was saying. I just focused on Gabe, He was everything I’ve ever wanted. Why couldn’t I just have him. I watched him storm over to us and pull me up off the couch like my grandma pulls weeds from her garden. He dragged me toward a room in the hallway took me in and closed the door. “Stop this PLEASE!” He said staring at me with bright green eyes.

“Stop what?” I teased and smirked.

“Everything! I don’t want you to be with Tyson! Hes not for you!”

“Bella isn’t--FOR YOU!” I argued. “LOOK AT YOURSELF!” I continued all of a sudden angry. I stood furious and walked over to him. “Gabe you can--” I was cut off. He kissed me. My eyes held tightly open shocked from what just happened. He kept kissing me deeper and deeper by the moment as I slowly eased into it.

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