Chapter Six: Dreamland

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Now it’s a month later. Tyson and I have went on plenty of dates. For the most part Gabe left me alone, and so did the devil-- I mean Bella. Well now it’s October, so most likely this is going to be a weird month. I decided to take advantage of the October sky though. I went to my secret hangout. I pulled my bag of art supplies out, I got into it and pulled out my pastels and paper. I let the colors of the pastels dance across the paper like my fingers had no control of what was going on.I had been drawing for who knows how long when I heard Tyson make his way back to my spot. “Hey Eva.”

“Hi Tyson.” I said putting my drawing back into my bag, not because I didn’t want him to see it-- just because I was done working on it for now.

“I brought you some lunch.” He said pulling out a bag of two tacos, that he bought from a corner cafe.

“Thanks, I was hungry.” I said sort of licking my lips because I was starving. He handed me one of the tacos and kept the other for himself. I pulled up two crates for us to sit on, we both took a seat and ate our food. We talked for a few hours afterwards, and I explained all my arts, and the meaning behind them. He actually seemed interested. By time we were done talking and sharing stories, it was dark out. I cleaned up and he walked me home. The day felt pretty happy. And as I walked home, I could really feel that sense of it. The dark sky illuminated by stars was much prettier tonight. The moon shone down brighter than I have ever noticed before. Everything just felt better and more open. I wondered if thats what it was like for everyone who was happy.


I flicked my light off and lay in my bed. It was Sunday tomorrow and I was free to do whatever I want until around five o’clock around dinnertime. And my mom’s stupid husband insisted. I sat there thinking for awhile about what I could do. Thats when I heard the same old tapping sound at my window. I smiled knowing who it was and got up opening my curtain to see Tyson. I let him in, as I usually do and closed it behind him. He kissed my cheek before sitting down on my bed. I sat in front of him in my usual spot. We talked like we usually do, and the talking typically leads to kissing. This time the kissing was a little more passionate than normal. He moves his kisses down to my neck, he started lifting my shirt. I let him. After he left I just laid there. I couldn’t get up. It hurt too bad. I just let myself fall asleep like this.

The next morning I somehow motivated myself to get up. It hurt yes, but i’m tough. I could do it. I was planning on walking to my hideout, but that was a lot of walking for a girl in pain. So instead I got a bath, did my laundry, and sketched for the whole day until dinner. Tyson sneaked in a few calls every now and then too. We didn’t talk too much because I was so focused on my sketch.

I decided I needed another bath to relax. After the bath I changed into my pajamas, and laid down. Why did I have to go to school?  I don’t wanna see anybody. I just want to see my ceiling and my drawings. I let my train of thought drive me into dreamland.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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