Chapter three; A Complicated Love Story

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I opened the door to my house, my hand was hidden in my pocket. I threw my bookbag down and walked up the stairs to my room not bothering to greet my mom. I sat on my bed and picked my phone up getting ready to text Gabe. Maybe he would want to go on a walk, or maybe we could just hang out? I quickly typed and sent a message before I could second guess myself, and I waited for him to answer. Gabe answered an hour later. He was busy. How stupid was I to think he would want to hang out with me when he has a girlfriend? I thought sadly and yet angry. I looked across the room at a pair of scissors laying on my desk-- I couldn’t go back to that, that was a dark scary place. Or could I? I stood up walked over them and picked them up, inspecting them carefully. But before I could do anything my 12 year old sister, Erin walked in the room to tell mom needs me to babysit all of my little siblings--great.

Later after dinner I locked myself in my room and sat at my bed sketching in my school journal. I heard a light tapping at my window. I went to open the curtain and Tyson was sitting on my roof staring back at me with a red rose in his hand and smiling. I opened my window. “Trying to pull a romeo?” I said sort of chuckling as I let him in.

“No, just came for a visit--my mom wouldn’t let me out earlier.” he said still smiling as he climbed in.

I closed my window and sat back down on my bed and shoved the sketch under my pillow. Tyson held the rose out to me. I took it and laid it on my nightstand beside my bed. “So are you ever going to tell me what happened to your hand?” He asked anxious to know.

“I wiped too hard.” I said and smirked.

We both kind of sat there chatting about our first day. He was telling me about his old friends and how he doesn't talk to Gabe as much either. I agreed with him, about the Gabe thing. I swore Bella was dragging him away from everyone. We came to a silent point in our conversation. He scooted forward and closer to me. I looked at him nervously kind of leaning back trying to keep a slight distance. It didn’t stop him though, he kissed me placing one hand on my face. I wanted to pull away and punch him, but a part of me liked it, he actually made me feel special. Something I haven’t felt in a long time. So I just kissed back. He leaned me back and was overtop of me, kissing me deeper. I kissed him passionately, letting him take it a little further-- but not to far.  So for awhile we just kissed, smiled, and talked, until he finally decided to leave. I felt happy after he left. I was actually happy.

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