»part 11 » obituaries and princesses

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Here lies the body of Cassandra Monaco.

Destined to die the way she was born.

Forever damaged.

Laying on the cold linoleum floor of the devil's bathroom, I thought of what my obituary would read. My favorite so far:

Cassandra Monaco lived a short life. She dreamt of shooting for the sky and ending up among the stars but fell short and crashed to the ground, burning everything in her wake. She destroyed the lives of many: her mother, her father, her aunt, her ex-boyfriend but most importantly, her paramour, Lip Gallagher. And now she lies where she was destined to fall: six feet under in the cold, dark Earth. She will not be missed.

Yeah, that sounds good.

The tears on my face have dried, my head was sore from all my hair pulling, and my knuckles were bruised and bloody from bashing them onto the bathroom floor. I was a mess in its purest form.

I don't know where Bobby went. Twenty minutes after Lip called, Bobby gave up on me, disappearing somewhere in his apartment. Since Bobby's apartment is closer to the north side, the Gallagher's residence is about half an hour away.

So no Lip.

So here I lay on the dirty bathroom floor thinking about what my funeral will be like.

I had an anxiety attack.

After I bashed my phone into the wall, the tears wouldn't stop coming, and my addict wouldn't stop yelling. I started banging on the floor to block out the terrible noises that was her pleading. When that didn't work, I pulled on my hair to focus on another pain.

After my meltdown, the coolness of the floor caused my heart rate to slow and my addict to disappear. For now, at least.

I was still fucked.

I closed my eyes tightly, thinking about how I was going to get out of here. Bobby's bathroom didn't have any windows and his front door was in the middle of the living room which meant there wasn't a stealthy exit.

Then I heard it.

The scraping noise against his floor. It sounded like metal dragging against the fake hardwood floor that covered his apartment.

"Cassandra, if you're not going to come out," Bobby said in a cold tone, "Then I'm coming in."

I sat up, scrunching my eyebrows together. 

Suddenly, there was a loud smashing noise against the bathroom door causing a shriek to come from my frail body. I covered my mouth before speaking.

"What the hell are you doing?" I screamed as he banged the object against the door harder causing the walls to vibrate as well as my head.

He was breaking down the fucking door. He's insane.

"If you want to act like a child," Another loud hit against the hard door, "Then I will treat you like a child."

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