New cover? Chapter dedication?

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A/N: Sorry this is not an update, but I had an idea and I wanted to know if you guys would be interested in. You guys are saying that you guys ship Jonathon and Raine. And a reader came up with the ship name "Jaine" (super cute by the way <3) and if you guys want, I was thinking you guys can create a cover for the story .
You can send them to my email with your username and I can pick some and dedicate a chapter to you. :) What do you think? Would that be something you guys would be interested in? Again this is just some idea I had cause I want to get a new cover and I want your guys' opinion on it. So who better to make a cover for this story than someone who enjoys reading it? Let me know what you think and it is COMPLETELY 100% okay if this is something you guys wouldn't be interested in.
<3 love you guys
My email is if you guys want to do it XD

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