Ready As I'll Ever Be

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It was the day of the ceremony and to say I was nervous would be a understatement, I was scared beyond comprehension. Not only because I was stepping up as Luna but also because before I could claim that role, Jonathon and I had to mark each other so that we can strengthen our bond like Lucas said. And let me tell you my neck was still quite sore. I'm currently standing in front of the mirror in my room looking at the dress I was wearing for the ceremony.

"You look beautiful, Raine." I heard someone say.

I turn my head around to find Elijah standing in the doorway. A small smile started to show as I turned to face him until his eyes landed on my neck.

"So you really did it?" he asked.

I looked at his eyes and say sadness and hurt swirling in them. "Yes..." I answered.

"Are you happy? Being with each other I mean?"

"Yes, very happy." I said with a small smile as I reached for the necklace that Jonathon had given me for Christmas.

"Here let me help you with that."

I nodded before turning back to the mirror as he placed the necklace around my neck and clasping it. I let out a sigh trying to relax and calm my nerves. I guess Elijah could see the fear in my eyes cause he turned me around and looked at me.

"Hey, just breathe. You will make a great Luna, I know it. You and Jonathon will be able to keep this pack strong."

I closed my eyes and nodded "Thank you Elijah."

Then I heard someone knock on the door "Raine?" Luna said ducking her head in "Its time. You ready?"

I took a deep breath "Yes Luna, ready as I'll ever be." I said walking up to her ready for her to walk me into my new life.

When we got to the backyard my heart felt like it was about to fly out of my chest. I saw Jonathon standing there in his tux( all my anxiety melted away, no matter how terrifying the future is, Jonathon will be by my side and I'll be by his and when the pack needs us we'll be there.


A/N: Hey guys! Here is the final chapter of Not Rejected Just Unwanted! Hope you guys enjoyed this story! I know I hate it when a story I like ends, but if you guys are interested I am writing a new story called Once Upon A Cinderella! If you guys are interested let me know! Love you guys and thank you for all the support you have given me and this story!

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