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It's been a day since I've come out of the Hospital Ward and already I've mastered the non-verbal spells.

The potions, however, are not being very nice to me. That good luck potion was an absolute flop.

I walk, one of my bag straps hanging off my shoulder, towards the Great Hall when out of the blue my mouth is covered by a skinny, warm hand. I'm being dragged backwards.

I think of screaming but know that would be stupid. Obviously they (whoever they is) is a wizard/witch which means they should easily be able hex or jinx me. So I don't scream but I squirm.

I've also worked out that the person who has me in their arms is a boy. Not because he's dragging me. A women could do that just as well as a man. No, I felt movements in his pants...

Which could mean that he was going to sexually attack me, but I don't think so.

I'm pushed into a room and then it's completely dark. I feel like I am in one of those muggle books. The ones where the girl is being kidnapped and then killed.

'What do you want?' I say loudly, then a small, blue light appears right in front of me giving me an idea.

I grip my wand tightly. 'Lumous Maxima,' the room is full of light and I see three bodies in front of me. Bushy hair, red hair and jet black hair. 'Hi, Harry, Hermione and Ron. What do you guys want?'
'If it's homework you don't need me. You have Hermione,'
'No. It's not that. We j-' Hermione starts. 'If you want girl advice, Ron and Harry, just smile at her and talk to her,'
'Really?' Ron asks. I smile and nod. 'Wow, th-'
'Ron! This isn't what we need to talk to her about,' Hermione hisses.
'Well then. Obviously it isn't your everyday conversation,' I look from Hermione to Ron to Harry. None of them give me an answer until Hermione breaks the silence. 'Where do you get that conclusion from?'

I look at Hermione and wonder why she isn't in Ravenclaw and then see the look in the eyes. The look in her eyes say 'Go on. I dare you,' but there was also the look that said 'I am not wrong,' they are both Gryffindor looks where as Ravenclaws can except that they are wrong. Gryffindors will stop talking to you if they are proven that they're wrong.

'Well, if it was a normal conversation you would have walked with me to the Great Hall and not kidnap me and hide in a room waiting for me and one of the boys. Als-'
'How do you know it was one of the boys?' Harry breaks in.
I raise my eyebrow and smile cheekily. 'Do you really want me to answer that?'

Hermione puts her hands out 'This is not what we want to talk to you about!'
'Right. It must be a very private thing if you can't talk to me in front of people. So I'm guessing that it's something that only you three would know about. Am I right?'

'Yes,' Harry says. 'We know your close to-'
'Harry,' Hermione stops him. She looks uncertain now. He looks at her, annoyed 'Are you sure about this?'
'Yes, Hermione. Or do you want to go and ask Malfloy himself?' Harry hisses.

I freeze. 'This is to do with Draco?'
Harry and Hermione stop arguing and look at me. 'Yes. This is to do with Malfloy,'

I hope I'm not paling. What if they know? What if they were going to tell Dumbledore? I would die! I will die!

My breathing becomes shallow. 'Listen. I'm not going to tell you anything about Draco. You'll have to ask him yourself, now where is the door?' I turn around because that's where I came from.

I let my hands crawl on the wall, trying to find a latch.

'Winona. Winona stop. We'll let you out once you answer our questions,' Ron sounds panicked. Or maybe it was Harry.
'I... I need to get... get out,' I'm moving around the room now. My breaths come quick and sharp.

Naughty, Little Death Eaters - Draco Malfloy Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now