Picture Perfect

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The room was silent after my little outburst. Thor looked over to Fury almost waiting for an answer but Fury looked just as confused as Thor did.

"Agent Caulfield. We'll find him with every resource we've got, and I don't want you anywhere near Loki after we catch him, he can and will find a way to manipulate you." Fury told me in a stern voice, his good eye glaring at me.

I take a breath and look at the two men in front of me. "Is that for my safety or his?" I ask glaring back.

"Lady Harper I don't think you understand what my brother is capable of." Thor says gently

"I don't think you understand what he's taken from me." I tell Thor while I pull a seat from the large conference table and sit down.

The room falls silent again and it almost feels like forever before something broke the silence. Tony and Steve come walking through the door having a conversation about god knows what, and from the look on Steve's face he doesn't know either.

"Shakespeare!" Tony yells walking towards Thor. "How's my favorite alien?" Thor smiles and starts talking to Tony.

"You seem upset are you okay?" Steve whispers as he takes the seat next to mine.

"Never been better." I grumble crossing my arms and looking at Steve.

"I know you better than that what's wrong?" It almost didn't sound like a question but an order.

"Since when have big strong guys liked talking about feelings?" I ask a small smile appearing on my lips.

"I was so small when I was growing up I had to think of other ways to get a girlfriend so I became the caring friend...never did get a girl with that but I always had hope." He smiles showing his perfect teeth. Steve is very handsome it's not a secret his blonde hair is so soft and the little curl on his bangs and his eyes are so blue and beautiful I could look in to them all day.

"Well it's not hard to get a girl now is it?" I ask and playfully punching his arm and hoping I've changed the subject successfully.

"For some reason it's still a no" he laughs.

The door opens again I look to see who it is Clint, Natasha, and Bruce all came in a group but none of them were talking. They all sat down in their regular seats and Thor and Tony ended their conversation ,all I heard was Tony trying to explain how Facebook works to Thor, Natasha took the seat on the other side of me. I should be seated next to Fury but I never do. Before I can say anything to Tasha the familiar booming borderline angry voice took the room.

"I know you're all wondering why I called you here, Thor has brought us some unsettling news..." Fury pauses and looks at Thor, I see him give Fury a small nod before he continues. "I'll cut the bullshit, Loki is back but we have no idea where he is, we have every resource we can possibly use searching for him but nothing has come up yet."

"If you don't know where he is then what are we supposed to do? Wait for him to send us postcards? Is he on vacation?" Tony asks angrily "this is exactly why we shouldn't have just let him go! Clearly they're not qualified up on Asgard to watch one person, he should have been killed or held under maximum security."

"Tony!" Bruce said in a calm but alarmed tone.

"What? We're all thinking it." Tony says looking down at his strange phone.

"Stark we'll find him and figure something to do when we do all we know is he went missing and the probability of him coming here is almost one hundred percent."

"So what does he want? Is he here for revenge?" Natasha asked staring at Thor rather than at Fury.

"Honestly we have no idea what he's back for but all we know is he's dangerous and wants something."

"My brother was in the safest prison in the entire universe, how he escaped is a complete mystery."

"Then how do you know he's here?" Clint asked.

"Heimdall had seen a small glimpse of Loki on Midgard before he blocked himself from Heimdall's sight."

"Well what did he see?" Natasha asks.

"Heimdall said he was in a small room of some kind looking at a picture of a girl and a Midgardian soldier hugging."

My thoughts instantly shift to the picture of my brother and I the first day he came home from Iraq. The picture is always in my room right next to the door.

"It seems Loki has been inside someone's home which means those people are in danger."

"Did Heimdall say what the picture looked like? Like specifics?" I ask Thor.

"He had drawn the photo as best as he could remember." Thor took a piece of paper from some sort of pocket behind his armor and slid the sketch towards me.

The moment I saw the picture my stomach dropped, it wasn't exact but I knew the picture it was portraying. I'd seen this photo so much, every morning actually. The girl's face was left empty like the soldier's like Heimdall couldn't remember the faces.

"Do you recognize the picture?" Steve asks me.

"No, I don't" I lie and slide the drawing back to the man who handed it to me. I guess I'm gonna be playing hide and seek with my guest when I get home.

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