Can't be trusted

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I fell asleep on Tony's couch, everyone had left other than Thor and Tony himself. I barely made it to the end of the movie, my eyelids got heavy but I forced myself to stay awake because I was worried I'd have my dream again. Eventually everyone went to bed and Tony gave me some blankets before I could thank him my eyes were practically forced shut and I fell into a deep hopefully dreamless sleep.

But as always I wasn't so lucky.

This dream was different, I wasn't in the middle of New York, I was in an old hotel, I could tell exactly where I was the moment I saw all the old wallpaper and decorations. I had been here when I was younger, the halls of the hotel were just as dark and haunting as when I was eight, vaguely remembering where I was going I turned down an empty hall way. I was on the third floor, where I had stayed and followed my memory to the once un-named room. What was once just room 327 now had a small plaque under the golden old numbers it stated, Oliver and Melody Caulfield,

My parents.

I reach for the door knob expecting it to be locked but the out of place modern card slot turned green and allowed me to enter. The room was exactly the same as when i was younger, the vintage beds were so comfortable when Noah and I would play on them.

We had stayed here for two or three weeks once when our parents were out doing business, they dragged us everywhere. Noah and I never really had a place to call our own, always just cheap motels where it would be just us for days, or sometimes when our parents felt like we deserved it, we got to stay in a nice hotel like the one I was revisiting.

The memory of Noah and my parents flooded over me and even in my dream I got light headed, the anger and guilt I held for my parents haunts me when I think of them, and any happy memory with Noah just breaks my heart.

I walk to an end table between two floral printed chairs, under the vintage looking lamp was an old looking newspaper article that had two familiar faces, the picture was almost as horrible as reliving the moment all over again.

I picked up the paper and began reading the story that I've pushed to the far recesses of my mind.

" The faces in the photo have been memorized by thousands around the country (see left photo). The man and woman are Melody and Oliver Caulfield, convicted murderers on many counts of fourth degree murder in 24 states, credit card fraud, resisting arrest, car theft, and child abuse. 

The duo allegedly ran from the police for eight years, bringing their children [ages eight and twelve] along and using them for fake aliases, and alibis. 

The couple were found Friday morning along with their children when a guest staying at the same hotel recognized the two as they made their way to their rooms Thursday evening. 

When the police found the family, Melody and Oliver were put into custody and immediately sent in for questioning, and the children were put into foster care.

After evaluation both parents were deemed mentally unfit to raise children after pleading innocence and telling stories of shape-shifters and monsters --" 

I couldn't read any more, the memory was re-surfacing and I wasn't ready to face my past.

"I hope this setting isn't too distressing to you." a voice whispered behind me, I turn to face Loki. He isn't wearing the same battle armor as the last time we had met. He wasn't as clean or as put together as the last time either, his hair was longer and a mess, there were deep dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days, and his once perfect fitting armor now replaced by a simple green tunic were hanging off of his now slender and malnourished  frame.

"What the hell are you doing here? what do you want from me?" I almost scream at him.

He takes a deep breath and puts his hands up " I'm here to ask for your help, the person who waited for you wasn't me. There is a- what do you mortals call them? shape shifter who has taken my form and has come to torment Midgard and succeed where I have failed. I cannot ask of any other's help as you are the only one with the abilities and power to aid in his defeat."

"I- you-" I had no idea how to respond, he wasn't to be trusted but this was far from the god I had encountered in my brother's room. "What is going to make me trust you?"

"You can't"



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