Doughnuts and Bad news

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Arriving at work early has become kind of normal for me, I stop by a little doughnut shop in the mornings and get breakfast for everybody.

I'm a special Agent at S.H.I.E.L.D but Fury has taken a bit of a liking to me I guess you could say even if he won't admit it. After the attack and the battle was won by the avengers, Steve had found me almost dead under a pile of rubble from the building collapsing, with all the hospitals full they decided to just take me back to HQ where they let Bruce take care of me. After I could talk and remember everything I told them what I had seen and what happened to my brother, I'm still not exactly sure how but Fury offered me a job it was a simple desk job but I eventually got bored and asked for something more exciting, so they made me an agent but that too got boring. I figured I'd be doing James Bond stuff like saving people or jumping out of jets drinking a martini but being an "agent" just meant I could get up from my paperwork every once in a while, so again I asked for something exciting and challenging so I got a special job; I help Fury direct the Avengers whom I've become very close friends with, all but one.

Thor was the only Avenger I've yet to even meet and no one really knows enough about him to tell me. Tony and Steve are my best friends we hang out on the weekends or after work, they're always at my apartment so I keep the food and Alcohol stocked 24/7. Bruce is almost like a father to me, he checks on me all the time wondering if I'm ok. He says I reacted very strangely after the explosion everyone around me had died but I lived and he always try's to understand how. Natasha and Clint they're the friends who I can talk to about serious problems or topics, and sometimes I just want to shove their heads together and make them kiss because they won't do it on their own.

By the time I got to work Bruce was already in the lab working on his laptop and scribbling something down on a piece of paper.

"Hey Bruce!" I said walking in with multiple boxes of doughnuts and setting them down next to his computer.

"Hey Harp, whatcha got there?" He asked sarcastically. He's here earlier than I am every morning and usually gets first pick of breakfast.

"Free Puppies want one?" I asked laughing. Bruce smiled then took one and thanked me with a nod, but the moment he made the small movement I remembered my dream and a sudden fear washed over me.

I guess Bruce had noticed because he started asking if I was alright and eventually had me sit down.

"Harp what's wrong? Are you okay?" He kept asking and I just shook my head to say yes but the questions didn't stop.

"If you're not feeling well I need to know Harp." Bruce stated getting in my line of vision.

" Yeah, I'm fine I just got really dizzy all of a sudden." It wasn't a total lie.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive" I smiled and stood up praying my knees wouldn't give out.

"Ok but if you don't feel okay later tell me." He said as I grabbed the boxes again and started for the door.

"Oh yeah Bruce."

"Hmm?" He hummed

"Fury wanted me to tell you the 'A team' is having a very important meeting at nine so be in the conference room" I laughed at our stupid little joke. When I first started I figured 'The Avengers' was a mouthful so I started calling them The A Team and it's just been a joke ever since.

"Alright I'll be there. Thanks for telling me." He said not looking away from the screen that probably hasn't been shut all night.

"No problem." I said leaving Bruce to his work.

I followed the long corridors to the conference room where I could hear an unfamiliar booming voice. Opening the door with one hand and a quick foot I got to the table to set the boxes down when I saw Fury talking to a man I had only ever seen on TV or in pictures, Thor was standing there looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Thor, this is agent Harper" Fury said looking from the god to me.

"Lady Harper it's a pleasure to meet you" he said extending his hand for what seemed like a handshake but once our hands connected he leaned in and kissed my hand. I couldn't help the blush from spreading across my cheeks.

"It's nice to finally meet you too Thor." I said trying to mask the embarrassing blush still plastered on my face.

"Harper, I think I should tell you before the meeting starts what it's about." Fury started sounding strict and official. " Thor isn't here to visit, he's here looking for Loki. We think he may be back to get revenge or try taking over the world."

"Loki's back?" I asked not believing what I was hearing. How could they have kept him alive? How did he get away? He deserves to pay for what he's done to just get a 'time out' which is what he seems to have gotten.

"We don't know exactly where but we do know he is back on Midgard." Thor told me, by this point I didn't care all I knew was I wanted him found and killed.

"Harper, please try to calm down we'll get him back." Fury said sounding more caring than before.

"You better hope you find him before I do." I stated before I took a jelly doughnut out of the top box and bit into it angrily


I hope this gave you a little bit more info about her relationships and her past and clearly how she feels about Loki. Leave a comment telling me what you think!

And all marvel characters are not mine they belong to their rightful owners

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