Strong-Headed Tsukishitma

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"Oi! Great job (Y/n)-chan!" Congratulated Suga as you walked out from backstage after the show. You smiled.

"Thanks!" You replied smiling widely. (F/f) comes out from behind you. Suga runs over and gives her a huge big and a peck on the lips. Ryu was over flirting with your captain. The rest of your team was off probably celebrating the win. The duet had won first place by a landslide. The group routine to Stand by You had won first as well. It was a 3 point difference. Hardly worth a celebration in your opinion, but they were off somewhere probably eating out or buying a cake. That left you and Tsukishima. Alone. And suddenly, you could hear the blood pounding in your head. Your insides and turned to mush. Your lungs frozen. You were getting warmer by the second.

"Nice job," Tsukishima grumbled. He was a light pink as well, which made you smirk. You stood in silence. Yes, silence. You looked around and everyone else had left. Damn you, (F/f), your mind hissed. You looked at Tsukishima.

"Thanks. Well, I'm gonna, um, go," You said awkwardly. You turned to leave, but Tsukishima grabbed your wrist. You looked at him. He was looking at the ground. "Um, Tsukishima-kun?" He stayed quiet for a minute.

"Why're you so nervous?" He asked. You grew even more red, if that was even possible.

"I, um, I . . ." You didn't know how to respond. Did you tell him you might like him? NO! No no no no no no no! "I just . . . It's awkward to think about the mistletoe!" You lied.

"Oh, ok." He said, then released your wrist, still not meeting your gaze, and you two left the room. The walk to the bus was in silence.


"You guys will do great!" You assure your brother a week later before his practice match for the spring tournament. Aoba Jousai. You then try to run over to the stands. In the hallway, though, your caught be Tsukishima.

"Oi, let me go, you have your game, I have to watch," you tell him, but he doesn't let go. In fact, his grip tightens a little.

"If we win, I want to talk to you about something, hai?" He proposes.

"Hai," you agree and he lets you go. Weirdo, you think as you go take your place in the stands.

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