6:46 AM
Halfway through the last week of school!6:46 AM
Oh, and thanks so much for 14.5k7:35 AM
I'll see you all you loves after school!7:36 AM
P.S @michael5sos, follow me cutie ;)3:35 PM
Man, what does it take to get 4/4 over here?4:15 PM
Highkey just want to give up on this.5:00 PM
Do you even care @michael5sos??Michael5sos mentioned you in a tweet: @mikey_cliff of course I care.
5:01 PM
@michael5sos then why? Why won't you follow me??6:57 PM
Okay, cool.7:35 PM
I want pizza :(7:35 PM
And a Michael follow, but clearly we don't get what we want.9:42 PM
Goodnight everyone.