Chapter 1 - WE'RE IN A PRISON?!?

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Anala's P.O.V.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" I yelled as we all were teleported to another dimension.
Motion sickness was getting the best of me.
In fact, it was getting the better out of all of us.
" I think I'm.......bleh........" Natsu said and threw up.
" Watch where you're throwing up!!!!" Gajeel yelled and threw up as well.
After a while, we stopped and landed on ground.
      " Solid ground......" Wendy said and hugged the dirt.
      After recollecting my thoughts, I stood up and looked around.
      No way.
      There is no way.
      " What are you staring at?" Sting asked.
      " That," I said and pointed forward.
      In front of us was a giant prison with the words NANBA printed on them.
      (You can probably guess what anime this is. Hehehe.)
      " Welp, how do we break in?" Natsu asked.
      " There only one way....." I started.
      I looked at Zachary.
Everyone turned my way.
" No, no, no, no, no. Whatever you're thinking, just no," he said, as if he could read my thoughts.
" Oh come on~~~~~Do it for the team~~~~~" I coaxed.
He stared at me and opened his mouth.
Then he looked at Laxus and immediately shut his mouth.
He nodded.

A few minutes later.....

" Fighting and fighting all day long~~~~ Dying and dying from my song~~~~ This is the end take me for granted~~~~ Why oh why do you cry? I said I can't make you fly~~~~ I'll clip your wings and hope, goodbye~~~~" Zachary sang inside the prison.
"Best plan ever!" I squealed to myself as the rest of us snuck into the prison.
After getting in safety, we walked around with caution.
" JŪGO!!!!!" we heard someone yell down the hallway.
" Hide!" Wendy said quickly and we ran into different hallways.
" COME BACK HERE!!!!!" the same voice yelled again as we saw a male with black hair with red ends run by.
After that, we saw an enraged prison guard and he quickly ran off.
When he was gone, I sighed and came out from a different hallway.
We all met up again and kept looking, and we thought we found it, but Gajeel ate it, so it was probably just a normal piece of metal.
      I slapped my forehead.
      'Just how hard is it to find a shiny piece?'
      As we passed a few cell rooms, we heard some loud shouting.
      It was muffled at first, but as we got closer, we could hear the sounds.
     " JŪGO! STOP MAKING SO MUCH MORE WORK FOR ME!!!!" the same voice from before said.
     " Oh come on, you always catch me anyway~~~" the so called "Jūgo" said.
     " It's still a bother! Give me a break for once!" the other voice replied.
     Without thinking, I slammed open the door.
     What can I say? Curiosity killed the cat.
     Now it'll probably kill the sun dragon slayer.
Before I had realized what I'd done, 5 teenagers and 1 adult stared at me.
" Uhhhhhh, who are you?" a green-haired person asked.
" O-oh, I-I'm Anala," I said stuttering a bit.
" Are you a new inmate or something?" a black-haired boy with red tips asked.
" I did see a girl with the same description in the files this morning......." the adult pondered.
" Yes I am!" I said suddenly, surprising myself.
" Well, okay then, get in," the adult said.
He slammed the door, locking me in with the other people.
After he left, Laxus came to the window.
" How are we going to get you out?" he asked.
" Don't worry," I started. " I'll find a way. For right now, focus on looking for the piece. While I'm an inmate, I can mostly roam around without be punished or anything like that."
" Are you sure you'll be alright?" he asked.
" Yeah, don't worry about it," I said.
Then everyone left and I was left with the others in my cell.
They all had their mouths wide open.
" W-who are you and w-what are you doing?" a boy with multicolored hair asked.
" Look, I know it's weird, but I'm here to find something that will save my world," I said.
" How do we know you're not here as a spy?" a girl asked.
      " What? To kill you?" I asked. " In my world I save people with dragon slayer magic."
      " Dragon Slayer magic........" the green-haired person mumbled to himself. " WAIT!!!"
      He jumped through a pile of books and then showed one to me.
      " ARE YOU FROM FAIRY TAIL?!?!?!?" he shouted.
      " I'm not really sure, but that's my guild name," I replied.
      " No way!!!!! It's the Anala from Fairy Tail!!!!!" the person shouted again.
      " Calm down please. I need to make sure no attention is drawn towards me," I said.
      He calmed down.
      " Since you already know my name, why don't you introduce yourselves?" I asked.
      " This is Jūgo," the green haired boy said and pointed to the black haired male.
      " That's Uno," he said and pointed to the multicolored person.
      " Over there is Rock," he said and pointed to a purple haired dude.
      " That's Sakura," he said and pointed to the only other girl in the room.
      " And I'm Nico," he finished.
     " Nice to meet you," Sakura said and smiled.
     " I hate newcomers......" Jūgo mumbled.
     " Since you seem to know so much about me, can you help me find the piece Nico?" I asked. 
     " Yeah sure!" he replied. " In fact, I have the manga of these events happening right now! They're being written as we speak!"
      ' No way, it's a book that can tell the future?!?!?'
      " Okay! Let's go......" Nico started.
      " GO TO SLEEP!!!!!" the man from before yelled.
      " Oh well," I said and shrugged. " Guess we have to find it tomorrow."
      Everyone went to sleep after a while except for me.
      ' Will I find this piece? Are my friends okay? What does the future hold for us?'
Hi guys!!!
Sorry for not updating, I had school and stuff!
Hopefully this satisfies your needs!
Will Anala meet up with her friends?
What does that mysterious manga say about her future?
What will she do to escape?
Find out in the next chapter!
P.S. Thanks for more than 50 followers and so many likes and reads! I really appreciate it!
P.P.S. The song Zachary was singing is an original piece I made. Hope you liked it!
Well, that's all for now!
See ya!

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