Chapter 2 - FIND. THAT. PIECE.

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Anala's P.O.V.

I woke up to find myself suddenly dragged to the food court to eat breakfast. After that it was back to my cell.
' What am I going to do? How am I going to find the piece?'
" Hey Nico?" I started.
" Yeah what is it?" he replied.
" Can you check your manga to see what piece we're looking for?" I asked.
" Yeah, sure thing," he replied.
He flipped through his manga then pausing on a single page.
" You're looking for Gajeel's metal piece," Nico said.
" Ok then! I need to get on it!" I said. " No time to lose!"


Zachary's P.O.V.

' How did I get myself into this?!?'
" So how are we going to get back in?" I asked. " We don't seem to have a plan."
" Why not we check the outside of the prison?" Wendy asked. " We might find something."
" It's worth a try," Laxus said.
' Ugh. I'm surrounded by idiots. Idiots that don't know how to do anything. Yet I'm still here. Why?'
We looked on the outside of the building, everywhere, but we couldn't find anything.
After almost giving up, Rogue found a secret door that lead underground.
" Good job Rogue!" Sting said with a smirk on his face and slapped Rogue's back.
" Thanks....." Rogue mumbled.
" Well what are we waiting for? LET'S GO!" Natsu yelled.
" Wait just a second, fire brain," Gajeel said and held Natsu back.
He threw a rock down the stairway down.
Nothing happened.
" The coast is clear, let's go," Laxus said.
       His "wondrous" cape flapped as he rushed down the stairs.
       Show off.
       I followed after him and so did the rest until we all made it to the end of the stairs.
" What is this place?" Wendy asked.
" I'm assuming it's a random hallway leading to several rooms," I replied.
" Let's find the stairs to go up and out!" Natsu yelled. " I can't wait to find that piece!"
" Shut it, fire brain!" Gajeel shouted. " You're making too much noise!"
Then both of them started arguing.
Laxus shot them a cold blooded glance and they immediately stopped.
Talk about power abuser.
We searched around the area but couldn't find anything. It's like we were going in circles.
' I hope I can make it out of this alive.'

Anala's P.O.V.

" Where, where, where......." I said to myself.
Up and down, left and right, I couldn't find anything that represented a piece.
" Nico, is there anything else that would help me in this situation?" I asked.
" The manga says that the piece is in the Warden's office," Nico said. " She keeps a familiar diamond looking object on her desk. I'm pretty sure that's the piece."
" Yes! That seems to be the exact description of the piece!" I said excitedly. " Now all I need to do is grab it and go!"
" How are you going to do that?" Nico asked.
" Yea, how am I going to....." I started.
Then there was a crash behind us. Apparently, my "team" found their way back to me.
" Sorry, we just had to see you again~~~" Sting said with a flirty voice.
I shoved my palm in his face and he fell over.
" Heh......" I laughed.
Then random sirens went off.
" Quick! What's the plan?!?!" Zachary asked.
" Okay! I know where the piece is! Follow me and we can bust out of here with it!" I yelled to them over the blaring noise.
" Take this Anala!" Nico yelled and gave me the manga. " You'll probably need this!"
" Thanks!" I yelled. " I'll see you later!"
We all ran out and dodged random guards in our path. Then we rushed to the Warden's office (via previous directions from Uno) and broke down the door.
We searched the area and found the piece.
Gajeel grabbed it and it glowed.
" Let's go! We got it!" Natsu yelled.
With the piece, Gajeel opened a portal to another world.
" Here we go again......." I said and sighed.
We jumped through, hoping it would lead us to a place where finding the piece would be a bit easier.
' One piece down, seven to go.' I thought.
Sup guys!
I know it's been a while but I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Also, what world do you think they're going to next?
Put your guesses in the comment section!
Welp, that's all for now!
See ya!

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