Chapter 5 - WHAT'S IN THE MANGA?!?!?

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     Anala's P.O.V.

     I sighed and picked myself from my bed. I put on the girl's uniform that Tamaki gave me and headed back down the stairs.

     After heading down the stairs, something dropped on my head. After a few seconds, I realized that I was soaked.

     "That better not be you....." I mumbled under my breath and turned around.

      There was a flash of pink and gray.

      "YOU'RE DEAD WHEN I FIND YOU GUYS!!!!" I said and chased after Natsu and Gajeel.

     After running around for a bit, I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Zachary.

     "Oh, sorry...." I said and started to head off.

     "Wait," he started and grabbed my arm. "You're soaked, aren't you?" 

      "Yeah, but I can't clean it up now," I started. " I gotta keep chasing Natsu and Gajeel."

      "Stay still for a bit," he said.

      "Um, ok?" I said questionably and tilted my head to an angle.

      I felt some force on my clothes and after a few seconds, it was gone. I looked on top of my head and saw a large bubble of water.

      "How did you?" I started.

      "I'm a water dragon slayer......" Zachary said.

      "Oh yea," I said. "I'm so dum. D-U-M dum."

      "What, is this a spelling bee now?" he said and smirked.

       I turned red.

      "No...." I said.

      "Hey look, if you get water all over you, I'm always here," Zachary said and walked away.

'Ok Too-Cool-For-School. See ya later....'

Now where was I? Oh right. Trying to kill Natsu and Gajeel.

I ran down the hall and took multiple turns.

"COME HERE YOU PINK DOG AND METAL EATER!!!!!!!" I yelled as I saw a silhouette of their bodies.

Eventually I caught up to them and beat their butts off. Plus, I sent them to the moon for a while.

I dusted my hands off. 

"All's well ends well."

I decided to walk back to my room and along the way, I bumped into Sting. Well, curse my clumsiness.

"Sorry Sting," I said to him.

The look on his face wasn't normal and I tiled my head.

"You okay?" I asked.

There was no response and he collapsed. I caught him before he touched the ground, but man was he heavy.

" GUYS!!!!! STING COLLAPSED!!!!" I yelled as loud as possible.

Rogue immediately appeared and checked Sting. 

" His vitals seem normal, but he has bruises on his arms. And he has something on his neck....." Rogue said.

I checked Sting's neck and saw something utterly disgusting.

There was a puncture in his neck and it oozed with a green substance. 

"What do you think it could be?" I asked.

"Probably the work of Zeref and his minions," Laxus said as he leaned against a quartz pillar.

Sting woke up with a start and we were all realized. However, he stayed quiet, totally unlike himself.

"We have to act quick. We need to find that piece," I said.

"But how are we supposed to find it without knowing which element it's for?" Gajeel asked.

Apparently he returned from the moon way earlier than expected.

      Then I face-palmed. I have the dang future telling manga!!!

      I ran to my room, grabbed the manga book, and flipped through the pages. 

      "It seems like it's the fire piece, representing the burning love between Haruhi and Tamaki (yes I'm sorry Hikaru x Haruhi, Kaoru x Huruhi and other fans....but this had to be done...oh and just so you know I ship Hikaru x Haruhi) and ....." I started.

      "And who???" Natsu asked.

      "Ummmmm...." I turned red.

      "Oh I see it's between you and someone else, isn't it~~~" Natsu taunted and grinned.

      I threw a random table at him. "No!!!"

      "Ah, tsundere mode activated," Zachary said, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

      "Shush up Zachary!" I yelled at him. "You are in no position to make fun of me!"

      "Oh? And why is that?" he asked with a smirk.

      "....because....." I started.

      He immediately realized what I was about to say and his face then tomato red.

      Laxus noticed this and gave him a death glare. 

      There was a long silence, then Natsu broke out laughing, realizing what was in the manga.

       He slapped Gajeel's back and they had a lovely time.

       I sent them to Jupiter this time, and when they came back, we headed to the school and looked for the piece. 

       Apparently, it was hidden in a bouquet of flowers that Tamaki was apparently going to give to her. But I doubt he would have done it.

      "OPEN PORTAL OF AWESOMENESS!!!!" Natsu yelled and a portal opened up.

      Gajeel slapped him on the back and pushed him in. 

      Again through the portal we went. It wasn't as stomach wrenching as before, but when we got to our destination, something seemed off. 

      And when I mean off, I mean really off.

     Narrator's P.O.V.

     Welcome to the world of Code Geass.
And please don't worry about the Nanbaka fanfiction, I just have to watch the anime again to make sure my facts are correct
Yes yes I'm terrible sorry for my absence for the last 3 months.
It's been a long ride....
Ok then, so let's see if I can try to post normally again!
Well, that's all for now, Au Revior.


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