The idols

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Yume's vision ached from the loss of sleep. She rubbed her eyes, when a soft buzz rang in her bag. Wonder what that could be? Yume rummaged through her bag, her mobile still buzzing impatiently. Hand first, Yume dug deeper into her bag until she felt a familiar object. "Got'chu!" Yume raised her arms to the sky in accomplishment to find the buzzing had stopped, what only remained was a blank screen. "I could really go for sweets, now."

"I can't believe i didn't pick it up sooner." Yume slapped her forehead in disappointment, groaning. She kept walking, mumbling and arguing with herself about the sudden incident. "Who called me anyway?" Yume opened her bag, her mobile easily in reach. She looked through her recent callers to find a familiar but unknown number. "Oh, i can call them back." Yume suddenly remembered, tapping the screen. Yume found herself standing by the boys division, the dorms standing hovered over her like a mysterious shadow. The mobile buzzed, waiting for the anonymous user to pick up. It rang, no one in contact yet. Yume sighed, leaning against a nearby tree, who's leaves had budded and swayed in the soft breeze. "I should've just picked up the phone when they called.

Yume closed her eyes, relaxing against the marked trunk. Yume slowly opened her eyes, looking up at the soothing branches. Yume sighed. "Why did they call me? Is there something important going on? HUH WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO-" "You don't have to beat yourself over it." An irritating laugh came from a familiar chocolate brown haired boy. Yume scanned the clearing for blue eyes, setting her sunset ones on Subaru. Subaru walked up to Yume, sitting next to her. "It was me who called, why didn't you pick up?" Subaru stared at the swinging branches. Yume's face boiled in embarrassment, looking the other way. "Well, why did you call me?" Yume focused her attention away from Subaru, still blushing. Subaru bit his lip, changing the subject. "What are you doing in the boys division, Boiled octopus?" Subaru turned his head at Yume, smiling. Yume darted her head back towards Subaru, puffing her cheeks in annoyance. "What are you doing when you have a concert today?" Yume stood up, planting her hands on her hips. Subaru looked up at Yume, smirking. "I was just about to head there, but a special girl was sitting at my favorite tree."

"Ahhh! Mahiru! You look so beautiful in that outfit! You sure do know fashion." Yume gasped, stunned by Mahiru's looks. Ako jumped in, peering over from Mahiru's shoulder. "I receive the honor of picking it out." Ako smiled arrogantly. Laura peeked through the door, noticing her friends. Yume saw Laura in her black floral outfit, gesturing her to come over. Laura closed the door behind her, listening to their conversation. "Your outfit looks nice, Ako." Mahiru complimented Ako, running a hand through her curled hair. Ako was wearing a soft pastel M4 shirt covered over with a black overall skirt and matching tights. She finished it off with a petite bow. Ako ran her brush through her orange hair for the fifth time, avoiding the tangles and brought her brush up to do it all over again. Yume looked at a nearby clock, realizing the time. "The concerts starting in an hour! C'mon lets go!"

The stars gleamed, each one having its own individual spark. They reflected on a large concert hall, making the building even more interesting. "I'm sorry ma'am, but i don't seem to recognize these passes. I'm afraid you'll have to leave." The older man held his hands by his chest, showing no mercy. "But w-we won these tickets from a contest M4 hosted!" Ako opened her mouth to protest again, her expression was full of sorrow. "I was not informed about a contest, so if you don't leave, i'll escort you out these gates." The guard swiped the sides of his tux, straightening the wrinkles. "Ako, we should get going. There's people behind us waiting patiently." Laura glanced at the long line of awaiting fans, a look of gloom washed over her face. Ako stared down at her feet, grief crawling over her like the sun shedding its light. A green figure stepped out of the shadows. "Larry, let them pass. We did host a contest and these girls are the winners. I'm sorry that we didn't notify you sooner." Kanata appeared, glancing down at Ako. Yells and screams of excitement touched the crowd, snapping the friends out of they're melancholy. Ako covered her hands over her mouth as the guard scanned the tickets, letting them pass, a guilty expression on his face. Ako ran up to Kanata, wrapping her arms around his chest, tears washing down her face. Kanata smiled, warmth spreading across his cheeks.

"These seats are comfy." Yume patted the sides, leaning back in relaxation. Mahiru laid her eyes on Ako, who was playing with her hands silently. "Hey, Ako. What was that back with Kanata? I didn't know you were interested in anyone but Subaru." Ako jumped, a shocked expression on her face. Her face burned red in embarrassment. "It was a sign of appreciation and for practice acting." Ako smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck, which was drenched with sweat. Ako held out two cat paws, narrowing her eyes. "I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR MY SUBARU-KYUN~NYA." Ako swayed, her eyes pumping like hearts. Laura gazed at the stage. "It's supposed to be starting now. Maybe Kanata hasn't made it back yet?" Laura grinned at Ako, making her hiss. The lights dimmed as the four idols stepped out, they're white capes flowing from behind them. The crowd cheered by M4's existence.

They sang they're heartfelt songs, they're voices soothing the crowd. Yume was fascinated by the dancing, M4 moving in rhythm and beat. They really are like S4, but more synchronized. Yume cheered, singing along to the beat. They swayed they're hands in the air, smiling in pure joy. Ako was staring at Subaru, who was just in arms reach. Ako planted her hands by her cheeks, singing her heart out. The friends sang and cheered, clapped along to to the rhythm, and had utter delight at the concert.

"Thank you everyone for coming!" M4 said in sync, waving at they're numerous fans. The crowd roared, cheered, and applauded. Once the clapping faded, Subaru Yuki, song class representative, rested his loving eyes on one special individual. "Ako Saotome, our Easter contest winner, please come up here." Subaru reached a hand out to Ako, smiling. Ako touched her hand to Subaru's, a sense of warmth drumming her aching heart. Subaru pulled her onto stage, the crowd whispering in surprise. Subaru tightened his grip with Ako's hands, pulling her closer. "Ako Saotome, my one and only." Subaru leaned his head closer to Ako's ear. "S-subaru..." Ako blushed, her heart thrumming in a faster pace. "Ako. Ako. Ako. Ako! Ako!" A sharp pinch on her right arm, and Ako snapped out of her daydream. She rubbed the spot where a sudden pinch hit her. "Ako! You were dozing off! Everybody left the auditorium." Ako looked around, all the packed seats now empty. Laura and Yume laughed at Ako's expression. Mahiru looked deep into Ako's eyes, a flash of an M4 idol staring back at her. She jumped back recognizing those eyes, giggling softly in understanding. Ako hid her embarrassment, laughing along. They headed towards an exit, sharing they're thoughts about the concert. Laura glanced at Yume, who was staring at the stage in awe. "Looks like Ako wasn't the only one who admired someone tonight." Laura said in a singsong voice. Yume frowned at Laura, her face boiling red in annoyance. "Hey! They're choreography was interesting." Yume crossed her arms, turning her head away from her friends, now full on red. The friends were laughing in happiness when they didn't see the four main acts appear on stage. "Yo! Tomato! How was the concert?"

wOA THAT WAS A LONG CHAPTER??? sorry it took two days whoops. ^^ hope you enjoy this pain stricken page.

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