Perfect matches

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   "Whats taking them so long?" Ako hissed, the pained memory of Subaru picking Yume over her still fresh in her mind. Kanata shrugged, sipping his iced tea. Ako crossed her arms, checking her phone for any recent messages. Kanata glanced over at her, his lips parted in a small smile. "You still cling on to Subaru even though he likes another girl?" Ako winced at Kanata's comment. "N-no. I don't even like him. Besides he hasn't said anything about him liking Yume." Ako snorted, sneaking a glance at her silent phone. Kanata sighed, gazing out at the row of stores. "He only likes Yume, Ako. And i only like yo-" Kanata flinched as Ako jumped out of her seat, slamming her paws on the table. "You don't know that! I'll make Subaru like me, not Yume! She has no right to be in his life!" Ako shrieked, ice in her gaze. Kanata smirked, continuing to drink from his straw. "So you do like him." Ako gasped, darting her eyes around in panic. "I-i never said anything about liking him!" She placed her chair back by the table, glaring at Kanata. "But you just said tha-" Ako interrupted Kanata, her back turned to him. "I'm going to look for them. I'm starving."

   "It's look great on you, Mahiru!" Asahi clasped his hands together, admiring his sisters outfit. Mahiru nodded in satisfaction, glancing around for any adjustments. "This is the sixth best pair, and i only have enough for two." Her smile quickly turned into a frown. Asahi tapped his finger on his chin, thinking of a solution. A buzz pierced the silent atmosphere, snapping Mahiru out of her unhappy phase. Mahiru answered the call, scowling at the mobile. "I have to but at least one dress before i come, okay?"  The phone squawked protests, urging her to come. Mahiru rolled her eyes, answering the line. "O.K i got it. Be there in ten? Sounds great. FIVE MINUTES? Ugh. No. Fine. Okay!" Mahiru glowered at the phone, switching it off. Asahi gazed at her curiously. Mahiru raised her lip in disgust. "Laura want's me to meet her at the food court. Kanata's over there, too. Ako's on the search for Subaru and Yume. We have to pick an outfit, hurry!" Asahi nodded, quickly peering at each piece of clothing. Mahiru impatiently watched. Asahi stared at a striped dress, jewels encrusted on the belt. Asahi grinned. He found the perfect match. "This one!" 

   Laura tilted her head slightly, trying to decide what flavor she would savor the longest. The cashier stared at her blankly. Laura opened her mouth slightly before closing it. "Hey Nozomu, what flavor do you think Mahiru will like?" Nozomu glanced up from his phone, his eyebrows furrowed. He shrugged, providing no use. Laura groaned, peaking over her shoulder at the increasing line. She smiled at the cashier. "One taro and one lychee boba tea, please." The worker nodded, shouting her order at fellow workers. He then stared at Nozomu for another request. Nozomu quickly stated his order. "Two mango." Nozomu stepped out of the way, their order fresh in his brain. Laura thought about the tangy but sweet fruit, licking her lips. "Maybe i should've gone with mango."

   Ako snarled, scrunching her nose. Does Subaru only like Yume? Why Yume? She didn't join the academy just for him. She didn't have her goals and future planned with Subaru. She didn't know everything about him. Ako felt tears threatening to fall. She breathed deeply, continuing to search for the wandering couple. Ako buried her miserable face into her jacket sleeves, pushing back the tears. You can't cry now. Not here. Ako desperately searched for a store to crawl in. She quickened her pace into a hopeless jog. She frantically stepped through the double doors of a boba tea cafe. She fled into a corner table, facing the wall. The tears finally fell, soaking her sleeves. Ako weep, sorrow filling her heart. The tears drenched her vision, unaware of the entering figure. She continued to cry softly, not wanting to attract attention. Warm arms wrapped around her trembling frame. And she let him wail in his embrace. His presence calmed her. Ako tightened her grip on his shirt, the materiel soaked to his skin. He reassuringly rubbed her back, closing his eyes. "Kanata. I'm sorry." The stranger stiffened against the unexpected discovery. He ruffled his dark hair, gazing down at the red eyed girl. Her appearance was damp from the tears, her hair a sticky mess. Kanata wiped his palms against her wet cheeks, Ako blushing under his touch. "You don't need to say sorry. You've cause to much pain." Ako's eyes widened, Kanata sending back daggers. "Buuut, to know that you've chosen me over him.. That's enough to forgive your mistakes." 

   A soft chime rang throughout the small cafe, signaling that another couple had entered. "Order for Laura and Nozomu?" A worker called out, glancing around for the two customers. Laura grabbed her two drinks, Nozomu accompanying her. The cold plastic cover froze the bottom of Laura's fingertips. The pair quickly seated at a table by the door, briefly scanning the entrance for any familiar friends. Nozomu put aside a mango boba tea, sipping his. "Now this is good bubble tea." They both grinned in satisfaction. Laura peeked behind Nozomu's shoulder. She tried to recognize the two figures cowering in the corner. "Hey, Nozomu. I feel like iv'e seen those two before.. I just can't figure out who they are." Laura squinted, trying to decipher the hidden couple. Nozomu stared in the direction of Laura's target. "Why are you worrying about those strangers? You have me." Laura glared at Nozomu before her gaze flickered back to the pair. Nozomu studied Laura, admiring her facial features. "Besides, you should be staring at me." Laura's cheeks flushed red, the soft tint warming the back of her neck. Nozomu smiled, biting his straw. Laura gritted her teeth, irritated. "Nozomu! Stop flirting with me and help me identify who those people are!" Laura glimpsed at the two still strangers desperately. Frustration crawled back into her mind. "Who said i was flirting?" Nozomu smirked, chewing on a piece of boba. Laura opened her mouth to yell at him, but two figures stood by their table. 

   "Laura! Nozomu! Have you seen Yume and Subaru anywhere?" Laura snapped her gaze to examine the two familiar siblings. Nozomu pushed the extra boba tea's to Mahiru and Asahi. "Find your perfect outfit?" He teased. Asahi nodded, smiling at Mahiru. Laura surveyed the cafe, but the four missing friends were no where to be seen. "We haven't seen Yume or Subaru anywhere.. do you know where Kanata and Ako are? We changed the meeting place to here." Laura asked curiously. Mahiru shook her head side to side, her mouth preoccupied with tea. Asahi pointed a finger to the corner. "Isn't that Kanata?" Laura stood up nodding her head vigorously. "How did you know? Iv'e been staring at them for five minutes!" Asahi shrugged in response. Mahiru continued to sip her boba tea, mumbling words through swallows. "I'm going to check up on them. Thanks for the bubble tea!" Mahiru dragged her brother along to confront Kanata and Ako. "Hmph. Finally were alone again." Nozomu complained, scooting his chair closer to Laura. Laura sipped through her straw, covering up her embarrassment. "Do you know how cute you look right now?" Nozomu winked at Laura, smiling. Laura brought her hand up next to Nozomu's cheek before slapping it. "Stop flirting with me, you nincompoop!"

hi from two weeks! one more chapter until the ending whoo!!! 

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