Chapter 8: Departure

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The loud ruckus alarmed the dancers, especially Cole.

While the dancers got out of the studio, I hopped out of the car and gasped.

The noise came from the hospital.

Broken glass was all over the place, the building immediately bursted into flames, and the painters were covered in debris, blood, and dirt.

I marched over to the rubble and tried to get inside, but Zach grabbed my arm and yanked me backward. I glared at him.

"June Hilton and the nurse was inside there!" I cried.

"Please let me go in there!"

"The police will be on their way," Zach reassured.

"They will find the women and-"

"There is no time," I growled.

"I have to go in there."

"But the building is already on fire!"

Zach protested. "You will be burned into a crisp."

That's when Cole intervened.

"What is going on?" she demanded.

"June Hilton and the nurse are in there," I said softly.

Cole bit her lip and shook her head.

"How is this possible?" she asked. "They didn't do anything wrong."

When the police cars parked in front of the dance studio, the dancers were swarming around them as if they were huge celebrities.

Zach joined with the rest of them while Cole stayed behind.

"There is something you definitely need to see,"
I said.

Her expression was grim.

"What is it?" she asked.

I walked over to her car and plucked the piece of paper that happened to be laying on the floor.

I handed it to her and let her read it.

"We have to give this to the police," she insisted.

I grabbed her by the arm and shook my head furiously.

"They're the police," Cole said. "There is nothing to worry about."

Cole was about to leave until I yanked her closer.

"We can't give them this," I whispered.

Cole let out an exasperated sigh.

"Why?" Cole asked.

"Because the person who supposedly sent this to me or you will probably kill you if you blabber everything to the police."

I glared at her with intense eyes.

"But the police will protect me-" she began.

I gave her an angry look.

"I don't understand," she said. "What makes you hate the police so much?"

I didn't answer.

"First," she continued.

"You hate one of the cops who were friendly to me, you always prefer taking risks on your own, and to be honest, I am worried about you."

Cole leaned closer to my face.

"What makes you hate the police so much?" Cole asked softly.

I took a deep breath then said what I have wanted to say along time ago.

"They gave me a bad name," I replied coldly.

"Because of them, they were the real reason why I got sent to bad foster homes."

Cole stared at me for a moment. I released her arm.

"I get it," I said softly.

"Being the good guy means telling the police everything, even if it means people not believe you what they say."

I handed her the paper then walked away.

"Where are you going?" Cole shouted.

"Going back to my house before the press gets here," I snorted.

Cole ran behind me.

"Let me go with you," she offered.

I stopped for a moment then laughed bitterly.

"Why do you want to be my friend?" I blurted.

Cole paused for a moment then stopped in her tracks.

"I'm being serious," I said, turning towards her.

"Since the first moment I met you, I thought you heard the news about me. I thought you were going to call me a freak or tell me to back off, but you didn't. Why?"

"You need a friend," she said softly, walking up to me.

"Because you were there for me when no one wasn't around."

"Go back to Zach," I insisted. "I'm pretty sure he cares about you a lot."

Cole gave me a puzzled look.

"Wait, are you jealous?" she asked.

I didn't answer.

I was about to walk away until she grabbed my arm.

"You are jealous of me and Zach, are you?"

"Get away," I threatened.

"That makes perfect sense," she said coldly.

"You avoided sitting with me at lunch, you avoided hate him."

Tears rushed into my eyes.

"So, what if I did?" I asked.

Cole didn't answer. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers.

She was startled for a moment, but she gently kissed back.

I parted then told her not to follow me anymore. Cole gave me an understanding nod.

"Just be careful," she warned.

I nodded, but didn't look at her.

At home, I took a long shower and wore my traditional long sleeved shirt and khaki pants that goes down to my ankles.

I didn't wear any sandals or anything to protect my feet.

I lay on my pillow and shut my eyes.

I thought about texting Cole, but I changed my mind.

After what happened, I am pretty sure that she wouldn't talk to me or visit me ever again.

When I was finished my homework, I continued reading Alexander's love letters to Natalie, but didn't find anything strange.

I swept my brown bangs to the side and rubbed my eyes.

They were sore from squinting at the scribbled words, and my lips smelled like sugar cookies. The scent reminded me of Cole.

Angrily, I wiped the scent off of my lips and stared at the page.

All of the letters were the same, except the fourth one.

Dear Natalie, I read. "Please forgive my actions."

What actions? I wondered.

I have fallen in love with another woman, her name is-" The letter immediately stopped there.

I dialed Alexander's number and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello, may I take you call?" a woman asked.

Probably the maid.

"I would like to speak to Alexander, please." I said politely.

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