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It was six in the morning, I was extremely tired from the last mission. "Why do I get stuck doing these crazy missions?!," I said yawning I got out of my bed and proceeded to my closet and I grabbed my outfit and my Sannin headband and walked out the door I was only twenty one I was the youngest Sannin in the world. I began to head over to the front gates of Konoah I was ordered by Lady Tsunade to attend a mission with none other but team Kakashi made up of Naruto, Sakura, and Si. I flashed over there in no time, "ASAMI! YOU SCARED ME!," I casually looked over to a scared Naruto and chuckled. He smiled and rubbed the back of his head like he did when he was younger. I looked around and saw Sakura and Si waiting with us,"Good morning Sakura and Si!, How are you?," I said with a smile. Sakura looked over at me with a sweet smile Si as well," well good morning Lady Asami," said Sakura. I smiled and looked around some more,"man is Kakashi always late.. I feel bad for them he was never like this when we were kids," I sighed and waited in silence with them. All of the sudden I hear the sarcastic, sweet but monotone voice, I looked up from the ground with a glare like death itself ,"Sorry an old lady needed some help and I got carried away forgive me," Kakashi said with sorry voice, My eyes immediately turned red with slits. He gave a shocked look,"Asamiiii.. Uh I'm really sorry," I balled my fists,"YOU MADE US WAIT FOR AN HOUR!!," I then proceeded to calm down and turned around. He came up behind me and hugged me,"I missed you little Asami!," I rolled my eyes so he wouldn't know how happy I was to hear that. He sighed and threw me over his shoulder,"lets go team Kakashi!," he said with a smile, Sakura with a look of confusion raised her hand to ask a question,"yes Sakura?," he said without turning around,"uhh Kakashi-sensei why is Lady Asami on your shoulder she can walk, on top of that she doesn't look too pleased," Sakura said with a voice of concern. Kakashi chuckled and turned around swinging me with him. I looked over at Naruto he was dying of laughter and Si was standing silently with a pleasant and content smile on his face, Kakashi continued his thought to Sakura,"well.. I missed her so much that I just felt like a little fun should be in place," he said with a smile. I glared over my shoulder and hissed at him,"release me or you'll be missing an arm.. Kakashi," he looked at me with a big smile,"not until you say you missed me too.. Then we can go Asami," I sighed and fell limp and said in a sad voice,"I missed you too Kakashi...," he let me down. I glared at him and walked out of the village with a stomp in my step. A few hours pass since we left the village, I jumped from one branch to another to reach Kakashi,"so what happened in the village of sand?," I asked, Kakashi looked over at me and smiled,"glad you asked the Kazakage was kidnapped by Akatsuki we need to stop them before they take the One tails chakra," I became saddened by this because taking me and Naruto was a serious risk. I tripped on twig sticking out on one of the trees I screamed and began to fall to the forest ground, I heard Kakashi scream,"NOT TODAY," my back turned to the forest floor, all I could see was Kakashi falling towards me with his arms stretched out to me,"Kakashi save me!," he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest bridal style, having enough time to find a new branch to land on he quickly took to this action. He looked down at me, I clutched to his shirt tightly with my eyes squeezed shut,"Don't let go...," I faintly whispered he had a look of fear and worry," Don't worry I won't..," he then began to jump back to the group with me in his arms, there was a sharp pain in my wrist when I was falling I must have hurt it trying to break my fall, or stop it. I tried moving it but it hurt too much I winced in pain. Trying not to show that I was hurt I bit my lip to keep myself under control. We finally reached The Village of Sand, they greeted us with much relief in their expressions, Kakashi refused to put me down and I made no protest to it. The ninjas that helped the Kazakage showed us to our rooms unfortunately since me and Kakashi were the only two adults, and there not being enough space we had to share a room I felt no awkwardness in this since I knew Kakashi so well. He plopped me down on the bed and sighed a breath of relief to rest, I pulled myself up and sat on my knees I continued biting my lip to stop myself from showing the excruciating pain I felt in my wrist. I realized he was staring at my wrist with an intensity about him, I looked down and blushed I flopped over on my side all curled up in a ball. I heard Kakashi chuckle, the silent pitter patter of his feet on the wood floor came over towards me, I pretended that I was asleep but I knew he would see right through that, I heard him kneel down to my side of the bed, I could feel his hot breath on my shoulder and neck, then I felt his warm gentle hands brushing through my long red hair, this feeling was so relaxing, so calming, I felt safe. I opened my eyes slowly just to reveal two eyes staring back at me, one shuriken, and one black normal eye. I had seen that he removed his headband and his vest. He smiled at me his face was so close to mine that it became a very deep flush of red. "Asami... You're eyes are so green like the life and rejuvenation of the soul you hold," he said sweetly. I smiled and blushed,"Kakashi... I-I can't.. It's not right..," I said looking away. He chuckled and pulled off his mask I had already rolled over so my back was turned to him. I hadn't noticed then I heard shuffling like some one was taking off their shirt, Kakashi walked to the other side of the bed and flopped down shirtless, he grabbed his book which was put on the nightstand on his side, I realized it was his pervy book and he must of unpacked it while I wasn't looking, he knew how much I hated those types of books. I rolled my eyes, just then the door to our room opened,"oh c'mon Sakura... Just one date it won't kill you!," I heard Naruto say as all of Team Kakashi rushed in. Sakura had punched him on the head," NO MEANS NO NARUTOO!!," she screamed. I got up in a sitting position and quickly looked at Kakashi who had expertly hidden his face by holding up his book to his face. I sighed with relief but then cried out,"AHHHHUG," I cried wincing in pain while holding my wrist. Naruto, Sakura and Si had a look of great worry for me. "Are you okay Lady Asami?!," Sakura asked with worry in her voice. " Y-yeaAHHG!," I screamed again the waves of pain were excruciating. She had rushed over to me and grabbed my wrist delicately,"Thank god it's only a sprain otherwise you would be forbidden to use jitsu and chakra forms from your hand if it were broken.. This is an easy fix," she sighed and began her healing jitsu the pain went from excruciating to manageable, and healed. I thanked her a thousand times but I could feel the curious stare of Kakashi from behind me. I relaxed on my back on the bed after Sakura had healed me, in a quick flash I saw Kakashi's face above mine, he was kneeling on top of me, my face became a deep red. My eyes began to widen, my pupils dilated and flustered, he leaned in to my ear,"why didn't you tell me you were hurt?," I began to panic, "HAHHHHH AHHHHHH!!!," I cried, my eyes began to glow white and change my body started to slightly levitate, I shoved Kakashi off of me, he hit the wall pretty hard,"ouch.. Guess I deserved that..," my eyes stopped glowing and went back to the normal but beautiful green eyes they once were, my body went limp and I passed out with a nose bleed. Although this power of Ying and Yang was controllable for me when I became scared or otherwise the power can happen without me knowing or allowing it. My body fell with a thump on the soft bed. Naruto began to quickly walk over to the bed,"ASAMI ARE YOU OKAY??!!," he said with fright and worry. I slowly opened my eyes,"h-huh," I mumbled with confusion, I looked about the room and saw Kakashi against the wall rubbing his head. He looked up, with winded voice," you pushed me pretty hard... It was almost like Sakura had punched me with her monster strength," he began to chuckle, that's when I felt what seemed like steam coming from Sakura's flared nostrils, her fists were clenched,"ILL SHOW YOU WHAT'S MONSTROUS YOU PERVY JERK!!!," she screamed with rage like hell on Earth. I began to sweat and smile with fear. Kakashi backed away while waving his hands wildly, sweating and panting he managed to say," n-no not monstrous.. I meant beautiful and empowering, Sakura!," this seemed to change her mood from dangerous to gracious,"Oh well why didn't you say so before Kakashi-sensei!!," she said with a sweet smile. Kakashi sighed with a breath of relief, meanwhile Naruto began to clean my nose up, I pushed his hand away and nodded, whispering," it's okay Naruto I'm fine! Don't worry about me please," he nodded, and pulled away I had a confused look on my face, I got off the bed and walked over to the three teenagers,"so what's up? Is something wrong guys?," I asked questioning them, I mean since they've been here there was no real explanation for their arrival. Sakura looked over at me," Oh Lady Asami! We just wanted to inform you and Kakashi-sensei that we'd be needing to get up early, at dawn.. Or earlier to find Garra," she answered contentedly, I nodded silently," alright then let's get some rest while we can it will be a long journey," I said with a commanding tone. Sakura smiled which meant she agreed, she walked over to Naruto who was currently bugging Si, grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out of the room with Si following. I waved them goodbye. After I shut the door I sighed and turned around, Kakashi began to walk over to me at a quick pace, I backed up but slammed against the wall, he slammed both of his hands right near my head so that his arms acted like a make shift trap, pinning me to the wall his face began to move towards mine,"K-Kakashi!!," I stammered, his eyes seem to gleam a fire in them,"Asami! I swore to protect you all those years ago.. We stayed close friends and shared everything with each other! We TOLD each other if something is wrong we trusted each other, do you understand me?," I looked down my eyes filled with sadness I knew his feelings were hurt when I didn't tell him I was injured, I knew that I should've told him but I didn't because I didn't want him to worry about me,"Kakashi I do trust you, I just couldn't bring myself to tell you I was hurt.. I didn't want you to worry about me..," I said with a whispering tone, he sighed,"Asami I understand you're feelings, but you NEED to TRUST me, not only me but your team! Asami don't be sad or upset... But please understand," he let his hands slide away from the wall, I felt his arms wrap around my body, he pulled me into his chest, the warmth of his body was soothing, the musky scent of cologne and a hard days work made me calm and at peace. I placed my tiny hands on his chest, I buried my face in his chest. He moved his face close to my ear, his warm breath on my neck and ear made me insane, his hands moved from my waist to my legs, he picked me up off the ground, I wrapped my legs around his waist, putting my head on his shoulder, he turned and walked to the bed easily with me in his arms since to him I was lighter than a feather. He laid me down on the bed, he kneeled on top of me, his face was clear of his mask and pervy book, I reached up and cupped my hand against his cheek, he put his hand on top of mine, I moved my hand to his lips and traced them I moved his sloppy white bangs from his right eye, to reveal a red shuriken looking back at me, I then began to trace his facial features, he quickly grabbed my hand not aggressively but gently he began to open one finger at a time and he kissed each finger on the tip, I giggled when he did it because it tickled, he chuckled at my reaction. He began to move in on my neck, he gave me butterfly kisses all over my neck and collar bone, my heart beat began to race and I began to feel overwhelmed with this new sensation my breath became heavier with excitement, Kakashi smiled he began to lick my neck up to my ear and nibble on it, I moaned as when he began to do this, Kakashi began to suck and kiss my neck, my back began to arch as I moaned, his hands ran under my shirt he moved his hands to my breasts and began to gently tease them, I moaned and squirmed with enjoyment,"K-Kakashi!! Stop!! Please!!," I said this through moans because even though I was enjoying these feelings and have felt this same way towards Kakashi it just didn't seem right. He pulled away with a look of curiosity,"Kakashi this doesn't seem right to me I just feel like we should wait maybe and establish something first," he sighed and smiled putting his head on my shoulder I ran my hands through his white hair,"Asami why didn't you say so? I care about you, if it didn't feel right then let's not rush, I understand now," he said muffled I sighed and whispered,"I love you but let's take it day by day okay Kakashi," he pulled his head up from my shoulder quicker than light, his eyes were wide with shock,"Asami I love you too, yeah I agree," I smiled he kissed me and hugged my waist, he laid down on my stomach and closed his eyes. I turned off the light on the nightstand next to me and fell asleep.

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