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Tony: You were down in the lab with Tony and Bruce and began crying because your mouth hurt. "Is Y/N teething ?" Bruce asked looking at you "Really I had no idea she won't stop crying" Then it hit Tony wait I read something that might help. Tony leaves and then comes back with a bottle of Gin in his hand "Tony you drinking isn't going to fix anything" "It's not for me" Bruce looks confused and then realizes it. Tony is about to put some on your gums and then your mother comes in "Tony what are you doing Y/N is way to young to drink" "No Pep she's not drinking it I'm going to put some on her gums so she'll stop crying" After he does it you stop crying immediately. "There"

Steve: Steve hated it when you would cry and he couldn't do anything about it "Honey I know you don't like this I'm sorry Baby" Steve just held you and let you chew on cold baby rings.

Thor: Thor was confused and worried of why you continued to cry he had no idea what to do, that was until his mother came into the room with Jane "Dear can I see the little on?" "Of course mother I don't know why she cries" Jane looks over you and notices white spots on your gums "Thor she's teething, she's getting her teeth" "I see" Frigga cast a spell over you that soothes you.

Bucky: Your dad hated it when you cried because he wanted to make everything seem okay and not let you feel any pain of any sort he was even working on a plan on how he would spare you the heartache of a first breakup. But when he saw that you had little white dots on your gums it connected and he let you chew on a chew ring.

Loki: Loki used magic to figure out what was wrong with you and with him being a frost giant he made one of your favorite toys cold so you could chew on it.

Bruce: Bruce knew you were around that age and he had all the supplies ready for you

Quill: He was worried the entire time until Drax suggested that you were teething "Quill asked how he knew "Well your daughter keeps trying to chew on rockets tail that was a major hint" Quill got you something cold to chew on because he didn't know how healthy it was for you to have rocket's tail.

Clint: This is the moment is when he was incredibly happy he had experience with other 3 children when you began chewing on everything including your sister's Lilia Barbie's Clint knew right away .

Deadpoll: "Oh no my baby child is crying What do I do" *Something cold Wade* He grabs a cold pizza crust and put it in your mouth and you stopped crying *That's something new ususally parents have cold toys* "Well I'm not like other Parents I'm your friendly neighborhood Deadpool".

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