Spider-Man Update

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Shout out to @Darknessismylife6  for this idea.

They meet you: Peter was finishing webbing up a bike thief when he heard a women scream. He raced until he found the source of the scream. He raced into an alleyway and saw a women bleeding out.  "Hey, Hey you're going to be alright okay." Peter said trying not to freak out, there was a lot of blood. "I I Can't." She gasped "Yes you can." Peter said with a shake in his voice that was not intended. "I won't make just please make sure that... that my baby girl is taken care of. I want you to take her please." Peter was about to tell her that there was no need to say that because she was going to be okay but her body went weak in his arms. He laid her back and closed her eye's and began searching for the lost baby. He found the baby in a old box and fished her out of it holding her close. No matter what he was going to make sure that she was okay.

First Word: You were sitting in your high chair slapping the board with your hands. "She's making music." Peter said as he came to take you out of the High Chair. "I'm sure she'll make a great composer some day." Aunt May said smiling at you, as your dad unclicked the board from the chair you began crying. "What is it Y/N?" Your dad asked wondering if you were okay. "Usic." You said reaching for the board that was in your dad's hand. Peter just stared between Aunt May and you. "I told you she would be a great Composer."

Nursery: Your nursery was mostly in Peter's bedroom, you didn't want him out of your sight. Peter decided that he would make your crib a bit awesome, okay a lot amazing. He put drawing of Spider-Man all over your crib and you had a little Spider-Man plushy.

Baby sitter when they're not there: You will stay with Aunt May when he's at school or has to go on an 'Retreat' You love Aunt May and Aunt May loves you.

Date of Birth: Your dad found out how old you were by having Bruce check you over and it was determined that you were born on December 13th.

Song they sing to get you to sleep: He can't sing but you don't mind and you will fall asleep almost immediately if he sings Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Favorite Christmas Song: You love the 12 day's of Christmas so much.

First Steps: You were sitting on the floor coloring waiting for your dad, he had to go on a mission and he was running late according to Aunt May, then she went off about that Tony Stark. Your daddy came though the door and you were so excited that you stood up and began walking towards him. "Dadddy, Daddy!!!" You screeched holding your arms out for a hug. "Oh My God you Walked, Aunt May Y/N walked wait to go."

First Time they Feed you: You were not a fan and you made that very clear when you dumped you mashed peas on your dad's uniform, he had to fight bad guys with a giant green stain all over his uniform.

Teething: It broke your dad's heart to hear you cry, and when you teethed it hurt him just as much as it hurt you. "I know Y/N those mean teeth are hurting you huh." He gave you a cold teething ring and held you in his arms as you cried and chewed on the ring.

When your first sick: Your dad was with Stark when Aunt May messaged him saying that you were sick and he needed to come home.  He left without saying bye and swung all his was to the apartment and spent the entire day holding you as he and Aunt May tried helping you feel better. Stupid stomach bug going on at your pre school.

Thoughts when they first see you: "How can I take care of a baby, I'm not even out of High School yet. But on the other hand how could I just pretend that this never happed, that I never meet this little miracle and just leave to someone else. I have to keep her she's the most important thing that has ever happened to me and I will protect her."

Your Nickname: He calls you Spider Bite, Aunt May is confused and thinks it's just a fan thing for Spider-Man.

What your scared of: You are utterly terrified of being left alone, you think that something bad happened to them when they're gone to long.

First Time getting a Shoot: You were in total distress that was until you dad blow up a glove and showed you the awesome Spider-Man stickers. 

What you cuddle with: You cuddle with your Spider-Man plushy and won't let anyone take it.

Your Full Name: Your full name is Y/N Marie Parker.

First Birthday: You spent your birthday with your Dad and Aunt May eating cake and having it go all over your face, when all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Your dad opened it and a man with a package was their. "Hello is their a Mr. Parker here?" "Yeah that's me." Your dad said sighing for the package. He opened it up and saw a mini version of his suit there was a card on top of it reading "For the itsy Bitsy Spider From Tony Stark."

First Night they brought you home: Aunt May was curious to why her nephew brought a baby home. Peter explained the situation and after some pleading Aunt May agreed to let Peter raise you. "She's to cute to be anyone else's Great Niece."

What they do when your sad: Your dad will take you swinging with him and you guys will sit on top of the Empire State Building and watch the New York Skyline as the sun sets.

Your first Bath: "Y/N come back here." You dad said chasing after you, you really needed a bath but kept singing the Spider-Man theme song and said that you had to save people and had no time for a bath.

Favorite Food: Your favorite food is New York style Pizza

Funny Hormones: You were crying in your room when your dad came in. "Hey Spider Bite what's wrong." You looked at him "Charlotte Died, why did the Spider have to die what did she do wrong!!!" Your dad just put the book on the night stand and sat with you in his arms letting you cry it out.

Drinking Coffee: He couldn't believe that you were old enough to drink Coffee already, but what you didn't know is that your dad and switched it to Decaf.

Punishment when your in trouble: When your in trouble you'll have to Apologize and state what you did wrong and how you could've gotten hurt or in more trouble and risk your future. And you must also say this to Aunt May.

Favorite Musical: Dear Evan Hansen

Favorite Disney/ Pixar Movie: You are forever in love with 101 Dalmatians' and you even named your dog Pongo.

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