Chapter Thirteen: Dance Partner, Part Three

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I couldn't do anything but stare at him. Did he really think I would agree to this? The murder of my own kind? I was suddenly hungry and his neck seemed a thousand times more delicious.

"They aren't good Parker. The only thing they want is the taste of fresh blood, and they don't care who they hurt to get it."

"I'm not going to help you."


"No. Take these things back and leave me alone." I practically threw the boxes and looked at him furiously.

"You forget the situation you're in Parker. I may shower you with nice things and give you blood to sustain you, but you are still alive only because I can use you. Either you help me, or I show you just how unforgiving I can be."

I could only stare at him. Where was the nice boy who had given me gifts and eaten breakfast with me? This made fresh in my memory being tied to a chair and deprived of blood for hours. It only served to remind me that Demetri was not my friend. He was a cold blooded killer who had nothing left but revenge.

I couldn't speak. There was nothing I could really say. If I didn't help him he would kill me. I could only look at him. He didn't say anything either, just rose from the bed and made his way past me and to the door. Before he left though, he said over his shoulder, "be ready by 5:00."

I felt tears form in my eyes as he quietly shut the door behind him. He was making me into a murderer and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Thirst flooded me, but for once I didn't really care. I could starve myself and I wouldn't really mind.

What would Demetri think of that? His star decoy killing herself? What would he do then? No one else was in the position I was in; being hunted by the very thing he wanted destroyed.

But I knew I didn't have the guts to do that. I wanted to live, to see Mom and my friends again... I collapsed on the bed and resigned to staying there for the rest of the day.

They brought me blood throughout the day and I gulped it down greedily. I didn't want to be hungry around so many humans that night. When it was almost time for me to go, a woman came in and asked me if I needed anything. She laced up the bodice of my dress and fastened the necklace around my neck. I felt her hands against my head as she twisted my hair into a complicated bun and secured it in place with bobby pins.

Brushes and pens and pouffes brushed across my face as she dabbed it with makeup and I felt the sharp sting as she plucked my eyebrows.

When she was finished, she stepped back and nodded, like an artist approving a finished artwork. I didn't feel like reminding her that every time she touched me, I could hear her pulse in her wrist; or that I could smell the blood from the finger she nicked on the scissors she used to snip my bangs.

I hadn't eaten all day.

She left a few minutes later and I remained seated at the desk until a man appeared and took me outside to a waiting limo. If this were before anything else had happened, back when I still had my friends and didn't know about all of this, I would have died to wear a dress that was this beautiful and ride to a fairy tail ball in a limo. But now it just felt like I was being marched to the gallows to meet my fate.

I slid into the back seat and waited.

But then I got tired of waiting and explored the mini fridge across from me. Nothing interested me until I moved a diet coke aside and spotted a tiny bottle of wine, like the ones you see at the grocery store in a cardboard bin near the deli.

If I was going to get through this night, I needed a little alcohol. I twisted the top off and drank deeply. I knew it wouldn't quench the thirst that I felt deep in my throat, but I drank anyway and savored every gulp of the bitter purple liquid. I had downed the entire tiny bottle when I heard the door of the limo open and Demetri slid across the leather next to me.

"There's no point in that," he said, glancing sideways at me. "Alcohol has no effect on werewolves."

I ignored him, but felt a pang of despair deep in my gut. I couldn't even make myself numb to what was happening around me. This werewolf thing just got worse and worse every day.

I didn't look at him as the driver got into the front seat and cranked the limo. We began to leave the driveway. 

"Parker, you-"

"Save it for someone who cares."

He sighed and turned to look at the window and we rode in silence for a few minutes. I watched as the trees began to fade and we pulled onto a highway. I watched as the limo turned left, back towards LA. I chanced a glance at Demetri and he was looking at me.

"You look pale," he said.

I scoffed at him. "Yeah."

"Wait, are you hungry?" he asked, sounding shocked.

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. "No."

"You're lying."

I look him in the eye then. "So what? Who cares if I starve myself? You?"

He sighed, frustrated. "That's not what I'm concerned about. Shit, I didn't have the butler bring any blood with us."

He fumbled around in his pockets for a moment before producing a pocket knife. "I can't have you attacking every person at the party." He held the knife against his skin and I knew what he meant to do.

"No!" I said, grabbing his wrist. "I dont want any more of your blood."

He looked angry and shook my hand off. "Parker, once again you forget your position." He placed the blade against his palm and pressed it against the skin.

"Please," I pleaded with him. "Don't make me." 

He looked at me and stopped. He pocketed the knife and straightened, looking at me. I could swear I saw hurt in his eyes as he said, "Do I disgust you that much?"

Before I could reply, he was rolling down the tinted glass that seperated us from the driver.

"Pull over." The driver simply nodded and pulled to the side of the freeway, earning a few honks from passing travelers. "Get out of the car and come around to the side," he ordered. The driver did as he was told.

"Demetri, what are you doing?"

"I refuse to let you ruin the plan Parker. You may not want to take my blood, but you will take his. And you will not argue."

I wanted to protest but Demetri's features had taken a murderous appearance. The driver opened Demetri's door and Demetri didn't say anything. He simply took the man's hand and sliced his palm. It seemed this had happened before, as the man had several thin white scars covering the palm that was now sticky with fresh blood. 

It hit my throat and sent a wave of fire through my entire body. The thirst took me over and before I could stop myself, I was lapping at the man's hand like a starving animal.

So much for my rock solid resolve.

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