Chapter Fifteen: The Offer, Part One

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Hey guys, thanks for sticking with the book for so long and voting! I really am trying to upload more often for you and I hope you enjoy this next part :)

Chapter 15: The Offer

Waking up was probably the hardest thing I had ever had to do. My vision was still blurry and every part of my body ached and burned. What had happened to me? I remembered everything that had happened. . . but what I didn't remember was what had made me feel this terrible. Once my vision started to come slowly back to me, I could tell where I was.

I had been brought back to my room in Demetri's cabin. I was lying in my bed in the same clothing I'd had on the night before with a blanket thrown over me At least he'd been courteous enough to give me a blanket. My clothes were stiff with dried blood that I didn't know whether was my blood or otherwise. Quickly, my vision still slightly blurry, i shucked off the clothing and threw it to the ground, bounding across the room to change them. 

I was so hungry. I could feel the familiar burn in the back of my throat. I went to my door and knocked. I waited a few moments and no one came. That was strange. There was always someone stationed right outside my door in case I went insane and tried to kill everyone in the house. I knocked again, this time a bit harder. Still no one came. Frustrated, I tried the doorknob and, to my surprise, it was unlocked.

I looked around the room, mostly to see if this was some kind of trick or test. But then I decided I didn't care because I was too hungry. I opened the door and stepped into the hallway. I could see light coming from the front room and knew that it was midday. How long had I been asleep?

As I walked into the hallway, I could hear Demetri talking to someone, but no one replying back to him. I figured he must be on the phone and decided to listen in.

"I don't care what you think, it's my decision and I say she stays. . . Well, it's not up to you. . . Maybe I'll just decide that you'll be the one to go. . . Bye."

Were they talking about me? I didn't want to stay here, locked up, never able to leave or make my own decisions. Maybe it was time I tried to make another escape. . .

"I know you're standing in the hall," Demetri called. "Come out, I want to talk to you."

Not surprised, I slowly entered the small room where Demetri occassionally asked me to have breakfast with him.

 "I want you to go on a walk with me," he stated very plainly.

"You mean. . . outside?" I was shocked. He had never allowed me on the grounds.

He chuckled. "There's a fence."

Of course there was. I shrugged and followed him out of a sliding glass door on the other side of the dining table. Outside, there was a pond a few feet away from the door. The pond was ringed by large stones in varying colors. A picnic table and benches sat next to a grill. The whole thing was surrounded by a tall wooden slat fence in a dull brown color. A gate directly opposite appeared to give way to open woods, which the house seemed to be surrounded in.

"Not much of a place to walk here," I observed.

He laughed. "We're going into the woods. But Parker, I want you to hear me out."


"I want to make you an offer. I know you'll interest is peaked just from that small amount of information, and you'll stick around to hear it. You won't try to run."

It annoyed me that he was right.

"Before we go, I do want to make something clear," he started.

"What is it?"

"This offer I'm going to make to you. . . I'm not sure if you're going to take it." He looked genuinely uncomfortable at this point, like he thought I might run at any point. He pushed his hair back and sighed. "So. . . if you don't want to take it. . . I'm going to let you leave."

I was stunned. "I could. . .leave?"

"Yes. Just. . . hear me out, okay?"

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