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A loud crash sounded through the walls of Jungkook's bedroom. The two snapped their heads towards the door, eyes wide as the interruption put their conversation on pause. Jungkook pulled his covers up to his chest. He scooted himself down into a half lying position, cowering like a child afraid of the monsters that live under their bed. Except this monstrous noise sounded like it had come from the kitchen.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, turning to catch the terror in his friends eyes. He resisted rolling his own and shook his head slightly. "Something probably just fell down." He was quick to try and pull Jungkook's attention away from associating this one with ghosts. He shrugged and climbed off of the bed. "Let's go see what it was?"

Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows together. He shook his head, gripping the blankets fisted in his hands tighter. "No way. Go, tell me what you find."

This time Jimin did roll his eyes. "It's morning, Kookie. Ghost stuff happens at night." He reached onto the bed, pulling at the covers Jungkook was using for protection, an act he found profoundly ridiculous. "C'mon, you probably left a window open, the wind knocked something down. Maybe it came from outside?" The older suggested, just trying to fish for something somewhat possible that didn't have any ties to paranormal activity. He pulled on the blankets, fighting for them from the tight hold Jungkook had on them.

"I've never opened a window in this apartment since I moved in. Not once."

Jimin sighed. "Then it was something else. Something explainable." He dropped the blankets, ending their tug of war, and put a hand on his hip. He jotted his thumb behind him towards the door and used the sternest voice he could muster. "Get off of the bed and come with me."

Jungkook's eyes widened. It wasn't often that his friend used anything aside from a calm or mocking tone with him. He smiled a little, amused. Jimin was much shorter than himself and he wasn't very intimidating. He took a moment to think about the way he probably looked himself, scared and hiding under some comforters, and his smile fell, but not before he snaked in a quick mocking jab at his hyung. "Are you afraid to go by yourself?"

Pushing his red fringe from his eyes, Jimin glared. He wasn't scared, not even a little bit. He was most definitely the bravest of the two, but it mostly sat on his disbelief of the supernatural of any kind. He wouldn't be accused of being afraid. "Fine. I'll go see without you." He turned away from Jungkook without another word or glance in the others direction. He felt irritated to say the least.

The kitchen was dim, a small window the only source of light coming through. Jimin flipped on the overhead light and scanned the room for anything out of place. It didn't take him but a single sweeping glance to find what he was looking for.

Every single cabinet in the tiny kitchen was open, as if some body had tilted the entire apartment complex on its side and let them fall that way. He stepped backwards unintentionally, as if it were a natural instinct. He blinked his eyes a few times. Jimin tore his stare from the cabinet doors that hung open and taunting him. He quickly found the culprit of the noise that had stolen them away from their conversation. A heavy metal pot lay on its side, dead center of the kitchen.

Jimin felt his breath hitch. What the fuck is going on? Was this some kind of prank? He had been with Jungkook the whole time while he was sleeping. It wasn't like this before. They had just heard this noise, the pot. It had to have been the pot that had made that loud crash. What else could have? He felt like he couldn't move his feet to go forward, into the kitchen where this chaos would surround him. Something felt eerie.

Could somebody have broken in? Jimin wondered. He dismissed the thought as soon as it came. The apartment complex was secure, they had good sturdy doors. The locks were solid and Jungkook lived on the third floor. All of the windows were always locked even if somebody had managed to scale the building. What the hell could have happened then?

He was at a loss for an explanation, but it didn't matter. Jungkook would come to check things out in a moment if he didn't come back he knew. This whole set up is not what Jungkook could find. Jimin was positive there was something positively normal, something of this world going on. This wasn't supernatural, he couldn't believe that.

He took a deep breath and scanned the room once again, moving slowly and carefully forward. He had to put this place back together before Jungkook found it and fled the country, convincing himself that evil pot wielding demon ghosts were going to find him if he didn't. Jimin picked up the heavy pot and placed it back in a lower cabinet. He gingerly closed the door, careful to not make any alarming sounds.

He followed the same technique with all of the perched open cabinet doors and took another peek around to make sure everything looked alright. It seemed back to normal. The eerie feeling that had begun raising the hairs up on the back of his neck had passed. It was all fine now.

The thought suddenly came to him, What am I going to tell Jungkook?

What could he say that would sound plausible and completely not ghostly?


"It must have been the neighbors upstairs." Jimin explained, rubbing at the back of his neck. "Maybe somebody fell."

Jungkook quirked an eyebrow at him. "Somebody fell? Upstairs?"

Jimin smiled sheepishly. "I mean," he muttered turning away. "That's my guess."

The younger of the two scoffed. He pushed his blankets away and got out of bed. "That's your guess?" He whispered under his breath. He wasn't willing to believe that excuse, not at all. It was too close, too loud of a noise to come from upstairs. Jimin was keeping something from him anyway, he could tell. "Nothing was wrong?"

Jimin swallowed, hard. He didn't enjoy lying to his best friend, but it was for his own good. He couldn't just tell him, 'Oh yeah, all the cabinet doors were open in your kitchen. A pot was just sitting in the direct middle of it all. It's definitely not a ghost though.'. He was starting to get a little skeptical himself, but he couldn't bring himself to think about it long enough to really figure anything out. "Nope." He chirped, trying to stay light hearted and seem convincing. "Everything was fine." Everything was definitely not fine.

"Right." Jungkook retorted. He didn't believe his friend. He was telling lies, but he didn't want to call him out on it. Jimin had seen something. He was shaken. Something had scared him. Jungkook had a better plan, better than just starting an argument and pulling the truth out of him.

"So then." He started, pulling his blankets up to the top of his bed. He fluffed his pillows up and set them straight. Jimin watched him, a low hum of acknowledgment his response.

Jungkook turned to look at Jimin. "Wanna move in?"

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