Twenty Five

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Jimin placed his hands on Jungkook's upper arms and looked into his gloomy expression. The man was starting to tear up and his face was blotchy like he had already been crying. A sharp pain struck his heart as it flooded with guilt. He shouldn't have let that happened, they shouldn't have been separated. His initial cause for moving in with Jungkook was to protect him and he hadn't done his job well enough. "Are you hurt, Kookie?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook shook his head and took up a hand to wipe away the wet stains on his cheeks. He half smiled through his gentle sobbing. He couldn't get the images she had shown him out of his head, they were so painful. He had experienced a front row seat to the worst moment in that woman's life, her death. He had felt her physical and emotional anguish and it was much worse than anything he had ever had the misfortune of feeling before. "I'm okay." His voice was feeble as he muttered the words. He gripped Jimin's shirt again in both of his hands and leaned closer to the man to hold him in his arms. He pressed himself to the other until there were no spaces left between their bodies, his lanky arms encasing Jimin around his shoulders. Jungkook felt hands slide around his torso and he sighed into Jimin's hair, ruffling it with his breath.

Jimin let his friend hug him for a few moments before he broke the silence with another curious question. "What happened?" He didn't want to pick at the pain evident in Jungkook's actions, but he was trying to lend a helping hand to take away some of the burden that was weighing heavy on the mans shoulders. He looked worn down, when not long ago he had been excited to come back to their temporary room.

Jungkook bit his lip. No, he didn't want to recount the tragedy he had witnessed, but keeping Jimin in the dark never did him much good. It was easier to handle hard times with a friend by your side and Jimin was the only person in the entire world he could trust and count on. Jimin had lived through so much of the lengthy list of out of the ordinary experiences with him, and he was the only one that could help him sort through his problems. "She showed me things that I never wanted to see. Bad things." He began to explain through a bitter tone. "Her past and the way she died, she showed it all to me."

"She showed it to you?" Jimin's voice was heavy with confusion. He couldn't comprehend the concept of Jungkook seeing into another's past experiences, but he waited and listened for the man to give him a better understanding.

Jungkook moved to rest his cheek against Jimin's shoulder, his lips turned away from the older mans ear. "She touched me and I could see it." He tried to elaborate more to give Jimin a better hold on what had taken place in his absence. "I don't really understand how it worked either, but her fingers were," He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, remembering that cold he had felt deep in his core. "They were inside of me and then I could see as if I were her."

Jimin stayed silent for a moment, absorbing the new information and filing it in his mind. He tried to push away his annoyance and bitter feelings towards the way he was picturing her chilly fingers on Jungkook. He might have been a bit possessive, but it was definitely not the time to let those kind of feelings show. He nodded when he finished sorting through his thoughts and emotions. "What did she show you, then?"

The younger man pursed his lips and decided to continue on with the memory of it all. "A lot." He whispered. "I saw the man that hurt her. He was so cruel, emotionless towards her, but he claimed to be in love with another woman." He skipped passed the part about his resemblance to the man for time being and explained what he had done to her instead. "He used her for sex and dumped her like she meant nothing to him, but he was everything to her. I could feel her emotions and it killed her inside." His heart hurt in his chest as he let himself link to her pain again. "She walked home by herself in the middle of a cold, winter night. She was freezing."

A chill ran up Jungkook's spine and Jimin could feel the man shivering against him. He squeezed him a little tighter.

"She lived in our apartment." Jungkook whispered. He turned his face to nuzzle it into the crook of Jimin's exposed neck. Without thinking, he placed a soft kiss to the skin there and tried to calm his breathing. The image of her running the sharp end of that knife against her flawless, pale skin flashed in his mind and he opened his tightly closed eyes. He caught a glimpse of Jimin's vein rising on his neck as the man tensed from his words. He watched it's trail to distract the visions in his head. "She took her life in our kitchen, Jiminie." Jungkook muttered, the sound of his voice only loud enough for Jimin to hear it.

Jimin's breath caught in his throat. He felt speechless, unable to sort his racing thoughts enough to form a proper sentence. What could he say to a statement like that?

Jungkook wasn't finished retelling the horrors of what had been. He had one more thing to confess, a missing piece in the puzzle that had been scrambling up their lives. He wasn't completely sure what was in store for them, the way she had left things were far from finished. Her last words were ones of uncertainty. They left him with more than just an uneasy feeling. "The man that... Left her," Jungkook huffed, his warm breath tickling Jimin's skin. "I look like him. Exactly like him."

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