Twenty Nine

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They finally managed to keep to their plan for the first time in days. They stayed in bed all day and drowned their minds with a few movies, only breaking their ties to it for bathroom breaks and to order some take out, the sun had dropped from the sky hours ago and Jimin yawned with his hand covering his mouth.

"Sleepy?" Jungkook whispered as he lazily played with the strands of hair on Jimin's head. He placed what had to be the one hundredth kiss on the mans temple and reached to pull the chain on the lamp beside their bed. The room fell dark except for the light illuminating from the Television. Jungkook settled back into Jimin's side with the smaller man in his arms and sighed. It had been easy to forget about everything with Jimin by his side, but as they quieted to sleep his thoughts were beginning to fall back into the memories of it all.

Jimin spoke into the silence, making Jungkook jump. "Are you okay?" He whispered.

"You scared me." Jungkook tried to laugh it off, but he felt nervous. Thoughts of her were screaming in his mind and keeping him awake. He hummed his answer and hoped that Jimin would accept it and go to sleep. He didn't want to throw all of his problems on the other when he looked so tired.

Jimin didn't buy it though. He knew Jungkook was struggling to sleep, he could feel the tension in Jungkook's body against him. "Let's talk about it."

Jungkook groaned. He wished Jimin would let it go, not because he didn't want to talk about it, but because he had hoped for a pleasant ending to their day for once. He didn't want to bring up his worries and doubts and make Jimin feel all of the bad from what had happened. "I'm just thinking for a bit, go to sleep." He felt Jimin's cool palm on his cheek. The man wasn't one to give in so easily, he knew it, but he really wanted Jimin to listen to him.

"Talk to me." The older man whispered. "Tell me what you're thinking about." Jimin already knew what he was thinking about. It wasn't hard to tell. The day had been rough, for a portion of it at least. That kind of experience would mess anybody up.

Jungkook turned to lay in his back. He stared up at the ceiling in the dim light. He remembered then how at ease he had felt the night before in the room, but now it just felt eerie. "I'm just thinking that, if she could do all that she did today, what can she do to us when we're sleeping?" He heaved another loud sigh. "She's capable of a lot, she could hurt us."

Jimin thought about it for a moment. Jungkook wasn't wrong, she could cause physical damage if she wanted to. He remembered feeling her hands on his chest when she pushed him away from the hotel door and had slammed it in his face. She could touch them, move them and she could definitely hurt them. Without the defense of consciousness, how would they have any chance against her anger? She was still convinced that Jungkook was the man that she wanted to harm. What would stop her from doing just that? "That's, um..." Jimin trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"Jimin, she could."

"I know."

They laid in silence for a while, both individually trying to ward off sleep and think of a possible solution. What could you do to protect yourself from a supernatural entity? Their possibilities were non existent.

Jimin took in a deep breath and exhaled it. He didn't want to move, or deal with all of the never ending problems that she caused them, but he didn't have much of a choice. They weren't sleeping until they figured some things out about her life before she took it. He felt the heavy burden of it swiftly return and he reached for his phone and opened it, heading straight to the browser.

Jungkook turned his head to Jimin. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to find out who that monster is, and we are going to fix this. Before she comes back."

Jimin's fingers typed fast on the touch screen, and he scrolled through different links before clicking on one after another. Jungkook decided to help him and took his own phone into his hands. They were quiet for a while, focused on the singular task of finding the culprit that was keeping them awake. The unknown man.

Jungkook wasn't getting very far in his research, mostly coming up empty handed and frustrated. He cursed at his phone and laid it down beside him, throwing his arm over his eyes and trying to calm his breathing. Jimin gasped beside him.

They had been searching for the one man in the world that could relieve them of their misery, of her misery. Over half an hour had passed in the meantime and Jimin was suddenly pushing his phone towards Jungkook with a satisfied grin on his face.

"This has to be him!" Jimin exclaimed. The man sat up with a burst of energy and Jungkook took the phone from his hand to study the picture.

It was a man with his arm wrapped tightly around a petite woman's shoulders, pulling her to him and smiling at the camera. They looked kind and happy, the background a wide ocean behind them. Jungkook's eyes flickered across the mans face and he noticed similarities to his own, except this man was older, but not by much. Maybe seven years. His eyes widened. "What is his name?" Jungkook whispered in a morbid tone of voice.


Jungkook looked up at Jimin and then back down at the picture. "How did you find him?" He asked as he pulled himself up from the pillows beneath his head.

Jimin laughed then. He was happy and proud of himself for managing to find proof of the mans existence. It wasn't everything they needed to figure out, he knew that, but at least they could be comforted in the fact that there was man out there that looked like Jungkook. There was a man that broke a woman's heart and had caused her to take her own life. They had proof now to show her, that man wasn't Jungkook.

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