Chapter Seven

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The Augusts' house was exactly how I'd pictured it in my head--a modest two-story farmhouse with a wrap-around porch--a welcoming, homey place, with a little brick pathway that led from the driveway to the front steps. The porch had a few rocking chairs, a porch swing, and a small wicker table with a giant three-wick candle sitting on it. I could just see them sitting out there, talking and laughing and watching the sunset together. Well, I won't be joining them in that, I thought, renewing my resolve not to like these people. I walked slowly up the pathway as Hank followed behind, carrying my suitcase. 

The screen door burst open with a loud creak and Fiona came rushing out. She was wearing flowy linen pants and a loose button-down shirt; her dark hair hung down around her shoulders. Other than some strands of gray at her temples and a few more fine lines around her eyes and lips, Fiona looked the same as in the picture I had of her. She grabbed my shoulders and held me back slightly, as if to study me. 

"I can't believe we've never met before!" she said excitedly. "You're gorgeous! Isn't she gorgeous Hank?" Fiona asked, shooting a quick look his way. Oh god, I thought. I couldn't even bear to look over at him. 

"Mmmm hmmm," he said, and even though I couldn't see him, I could hear the smile on his lips. 

"Ben! She's here! She's heeeeere!" Fiona called. She wrapped me in a tight hug, then finally let go of me. "Oh, we're so happy to have you, sweetheart." She beamed at me, and I took in her face-slim and somewhat angular, with a long, but delicate nose, thin glossy lips, and Hank's same greenish-gray eyes. I could tell within the first few minutes of meeting her why she was my mom's best friend, but I was still determined to keep her at arm's length. 

Ben came out to the porch, but stood half in and half out of the doorway of the house. He kept kicking at the screen door to keep it from resting on his body. He didn't say anything, just offered a warm smile and a wave.  

As we walked up the steps, I could hear noise coming from behind Ben, somewhere in the house, the sounds of someone moving around, maybe doing dishes or placing plates on the table?  

"Hi," Ben said, grinning and putting out his hand. "I see you met my wife and my son. And you're not scared off yet? Good for you!" He had the ability to tease without being offensive or obnoxious, same as Hank did. I could see clearly that Hank was a younger version of Ben. They had the same build, the same smile and mannerisms. I felt a rush of affection for Ben, maybe because he reminded me of Hank or maybe because I missed Alan. I had tried to put thoughts of Alan far out of my mind. It was too confusing. I was so angry at him, but I still loved him. And I wanted to talk to him, to figure all this out, but I couldn't. 

Thinking about Alan, thinking about my mom, thinking about how far away from home I was, my eyes started to well up with tears. I gave Ben's hand a firm, quick shake and then turned away from him and walked into the house, hoping he wouldn't notice anything. 

"You ok?" Ben asked, stepping behind me and placing a hand lightly on my shoulder. God, he doesn't miss much, I thought. 

"Yeah, I'm good," I said, taking a deep breath, turning, and giving him a big smile. "Just a long couple of days," I added. He nodded and patted my shoulder, giving me a knowing look. He let it go at that, which I was so grateful for. 

Fiona and Hank came in, letting the screen door slam behind them, and then we were all standing there in the front room. There was a staircase with a long wooden bannister to our right that, I assumed, led up to the bedrooms. Hank lifted my suitcase up over his head and climbed the stairs quickly, taking them two at a time. "Be right back!" he shouted as he went. 

Fiona turned to me, "Do you want to see your room, or-" 

"Hi everybody!" A young woman wearing white shorts and a lightweight flowery shirt with ruffled sleeves entered the room just then. She looked to be about my age, with beautiful thick auburn hair that hung halfway down her back, huge blue eyes, an adorable button nose, and the clearest skin I think I'd even seen on a teenager. She looked like someone who would feel right at home competing in a beauty pageant. 

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