Chapter 5

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1 Month Later

(Tris POV)

Its been a month since I had my beautiful daughters, Clarissa and Cheyenne. Tobias wanted another baby and I did too, but we're gonna wait a few years before having another one. I had just put the girls in their cribs and I was waiting for Tobias to get home.

"You do realize that I could babysit them right?" mom asked.

"Jesus! You fucking scared me mom!" I replied

"Sorry, but you need to work and so does Tobias. You two need a babysitter." she says.

I roll my eyes and raise an eyebrow at you.

"Why do you wanna babysit?" I ask.

"Because I'm these babies grandma and also their guardian angel." she replies.

"Whatever floats your boat mom." I say.

I heard her chuckle and I had to roll my eyes. A few minutes later, Tobias walked through the front door. I went up to him and gave him a kiss. We pulled apart and he looked at my mom.

"Hey Natalie." he said.

"Hello Tobias." she says.

I roll my eyes. These two were very awkward when put into the same room together.It was actually pretty weird seeing my mom and husband getting along surprisingly. My mom sighed and walked towards the door.

"I'll be back tomorrow at 7am. You two need a break. Go shopping or something." mom said.

We just rolled our eyes and she was out the door.

(Tobias POV)

Natalie really wanted to watch the girls and I really didn't want her to watch them. But Tris and I really needed some time alone and away from the girls.

"Tobias, we really need some time alone and my mom is more than willing to watch them today." Tris says.

I sigh and finally give in as she squeals and Natalie popped in again.

"Morning you two. Now go have fun and hurry back." Natalie says.

Tris and I rolls our eyes once more and run outside and actually have fun for once.

1 Year Later

(Tobias POV)

I got out of bed and checked up on the girls. They were still sleeping in their cribs. I couldn't even believe that they were one today. I heard Tris come in and I pulled her to my side.

"Wow, still sleeping just like their daddy." she says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"They're heavy sleepers. Unlike me. I'm a light sleeper." she replies.

I roll my eyes and pull her close for a kiss. We pull away and she looks at me with loving eyes otherwise known as the eyes that I fell in love with.

(Tris POV)

The girls woke up an hour after we did and we put them in their high chairs. I had run to the store and got them tiny cakes. Christina, Zeke, and Shauna came in and just watched them eat.

"Wow, they really must like dauntless cake." Zeke says.

"They have the appetite of Four." Christina says.

The three of them giggle as Tobias rolls his eyes. I smile as Clarissa watches me. Her beautiful blonde hair reached her shoulders now and she looked just like me. Cheyenne on the other hand had brown hair that went to her chin and she looked like Tobias. I looked at the door just as Caleb walked in.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I just had to pick up a few things for my favorite neices." he says.

"Its fine Caleb." I tell him.

He smiles as he walked over to Christina and kisses her cheek. Ever since him and Susan seperated, he started to date Christina and she was actually pregnant with my nephew Joshua. Caleb even transferred to dauntless after we got the factions up and running again. The girls finished eating and we sat them down in the living room as we opened their presents for them. They would always have great birthdays every year.


Alright, so I finally updated after a long time. I'm sorry that I kept you guys waiting, I was just to busy and I'm catching up on sleep once again. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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