Chapter 25

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Rydels POV

"Where's my little niece?" I asked, bursting through the hospital room door. Ashley had the baby three days ago and I was more than excited to get to see her. Despise all the drama its caused, I think its going to really fun having a baby in the family. Ashley was laying in the bed holding her and Ross was sitting on the bed next to them. "Aw," I said, smiling, once I saw them all together.

"How cute," mom said coming in the room behind me, followed by dad and Riker. Ryland decided that he was going to spend the day with Kelsie and would come see the baby tomorrow, Rachel had spent the night at Tys, and none of us had seen Rocky since two days ago.

"Can I hold her?" I asked. Ashley nodded and handed her over to me. Once she was in my arms I looked down at her and she looked up at me and I smiled. "Shes beautiful."

"Just like her mom," Ross said putting an arm around Ashley. Wait are they dating?

"I think she has your eyes, Ross," mom said looking over my shoulder.

"Whats her name?" dad asked.

"Charlotte Rose," Ashley answered.

"Charlotte Rose," I repeated.

"Yup. Shes named after Ashleys mom."

"Aw," mom said with a smile.

"And Riker and Rydel," Ross said looking at both of us. "We want you two to be her godparents."

"Really?" I asked, with excitement.

"Yup," Ross answered.

I looked over at Riker and he gave a faint smile. I can tell hes still a little upset at both of them.

"Um if you guys dont mind, I want to talk with Ross for a minute," Ashley said looking at all of us, except Ross.

"Do you want her?" I asked walking over to where she was in the bed.

"If you could put her in her bassinet that would be great."

"Ok we'll give you three some alone time," mom said as she pushed me, dad, and Riker out of the room.

Once mom closed the door her and dad led us down the hall. I stayed behind with Riker. "Will you knock it off." I told him, once mom and dad had turned the corner. "I mean your whole attitude. You could at least be happy for them. Plus they made you her godfather."

"Rydel you dont understand to see the one who you thought loved you, with your brother and their daughter," he told me and I guess he had a point. "It kind of hurts."

"Yeah, well what about Megan?" I asked referring to his new girlfriend.

"Its not the same!"

"Whatever Riker," I said walking the rest of the way down the hall, leaving him alone.

Ross' POV

"Whats wrong?" I asked Ashley once the family was out of the room.

"Ross," she sighed. "There were two," she said tears forming in her eyes.


"Two babies. Twins, Ross," she said with a sniffle.

"Wait what?"

"Apparently, when I fell, it had injured the one. But the doctors didnt know until I had Char. I didnt want to tell you because I thought you would be mad," she said letting a couple tears go.

"Im not mad, Ash," I told her as I embraced her in a hug.

"I basically killed a baby," she cried.

"Shh its not your fault," I said trying to calm her down. "You cant help that you fell. It was an accident," I told her as she continued to cry. "Im just glad we have one, beautiful, healthy baby."

After I said this she looked up at me with a smile. "Oh Ross," she as she put her head on my chest.

Rockys POV

I woke up on a hard wood floor with a bunch of beer bottles and trash scattered around me. Where am I, I asked myself rubbing the back of my head. I slowly stood up and walked to the open door, on the other side of the room. I saw Blair, standing next to a stove, frying something in a skillet.

"Good morning sunshine," Blair said as she set a plate of pancakes on the table. I just stood there looking at her. "You sure do like your sleep dont you?"

"Wha-what uh...what happened?" I asked pointing back to the room I had just came from.

"Well...How much do you remember?" she asked me putting a hand on her hip.

"Um," I said trying to think of everything that had happened in the few hours, or days, or weeks, I really didnt know how long its been. "Something about a hospital...and uh...did-did I uh are we dating?"

"Come over here and have some breakfast and I'll tell you everything," she said pulling one of the kitchen chairs out for me.


"So, whats the whole story?" I asked her after I finished eating my first pancake.

"Well you were at the hospital when I got to work. I dont know why you were there but you were," she paused for a few seconds then started again. "And you saw Connor and I told you that things weren't working out between me and him and then I asked you out and you kissed me and we went into a little storage room at the hospital. And then--"

"Wait," I cut her off. "Did know..."

"Maybe," she said with a smile, walking two of her fingers up my arm. "Anyways, we came back here I asked if it was ok with you if I invited a few friends over, which was basically only like 40 to 50 people, and during the party you got into a fight with one of my exes, in my bedroom. He knocked you out pretty good," she said with a little laugh.

"Wait. Thats your bedroom? Where your bed?"

"Oh Im getting a new one, it should be in sometime later today."

Just then my phone started ringing, and the screen said The Boss, which meant Riker. I stared at in until the second ring until Blair spoke up. "You going to answer that?"

"Yeah," I told her picking up my phone and walking into the other room. "What?" I answered the phone trying not to step on any beer bottles.

"Ashley had her baby." Crap, forgot all about that. "Her and Ross are here at the house and are about to go back to Ashleys appartment. Are you going to come see them or?"

"Yeah. Im coming," I said rubbing my hand on my face. "I'll be there in 20 minutes, maybe."

"Ok I'll tell them to stay. By the way where are you?"

"Im at Blairs. Its a long story, I'll tell you when I get home."

"Ok see ya in 20."

"Yup. Bye," I said hanging up the phone. Thats why I as at the hospital. For Ashley and Ross. That completely spaced my mind.

"Hey Blair," I said walking back into the kitchen. "My brother is at my house with his new born. Im going to go home, see them, take a shower, get some new clothes. Do you want to come?"

"No. I think I better stay here just incase my new bed comes," she said standing up and cleaning up the plates from the table.

"Ok. I'll be back proably later this afternoon," I said as she walked over to me.

She stood on her tip-toes and gave me a kiss. "Bye, Rock," she said with a smile.

"Bye babe."


So yay! Charlotte Rose Lynch is the babys name. Credit to @yaryourra for her middle name. Thats about it. -Anna

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