Part I

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"Why is one man spared, while another is taken? To this day I couldn't give you an answer. But death comes to us all, eventually. When you lose six thousand men in over four hours, it's easy for one death to become just another number. But all I knew was that my best friend was gone, and that a part of me wished that I had been taken instead. The dead -they settled their debts. It's up to the living to pick up the tab."

- Private Mitchell, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

Imperial Capital



It's been about two weeks since the downfall of the Prime Minister and the corrupted government. We were all glad that nightmare was over, but to stop that tyranny a price had to be paid. And many, many soldiers sacrificed their lives to make a bright future possible for everyone.

One of them, was my best friend: Iksor Benthal. He and I were part of the Revolutionary Army and we've fought by each others side till Revolution Day. Before we were sent to the battlefield, we promised each other that we'd see through this fight all the way and go back to our lives before the war.

I survived, but my best friend didn't. As much as I and many others wanted to celebrate victory, we all couldn't help but decide to take the time to honor and mourn for the brave men and women who died in the battlefield, fighting the darkness that plagued the Imperial Capital.

Najenda: It is time we say farewell to Sergeant Iksor Benthal. The man I had the privilege and honor to fight alongside with. His sacrifice, along with many others, will never be forgotten for generations to come.

Esdeath: *Walks forward and catches everyone's attention* He leaves behind family. Friends. Fellow soldiers. And a greatful nation.

Najenda: It was an honor fighting alongside you, Iksor. We will miss you.

After the generals finished their speeches, me and some others stand up and walk up to Iksor's coffin so we can pay our respects to him. As I waited for my turn, I couldn't help but look around and see everyone me and Iksor know personally. Family, friends, everyone was here to mourn for his passing.

I smiled knowing that many care about Iksor, but it didn't last long when it was my turn to pay my respects to him.

*You walk up to Iskor's coffin*

You: Thanks for being my best friend, Iksor. *You place your hand onto his coffin and pay your respects* I'll never forget you. I promise.

After that, I return to my seat and then sit back down as others pay their respects to Iksor.

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