Part III

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Imperial Capital

Northern Sector



You: Uuuugh....*You wake up and slowly sit up straight* Wonder who that could be. *You stand up from your bed*

You: BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP!! *You groan a bit* I don't think I can eat anything until later today.

You(In thoughts): Mental Note: Do not go all out when eating at an all-you-can-eat buffet next time.

With that said and done, I left my bedroom and go to the door to see who's there.

You: *You open the door and your eyes widen in shock* Oh!!

Najenda: Morning (M/n)!!

You: G-Good morning general!! *You salute but-* YAH!!

Najenda: *Shocked and concerned expression appears on her face* Are you okay?

You: *You give her a thumbs up* Y-Yeah!! J-Just ate too much last night that's all. *You burp a little*

Najenda: O-kay. May I come in?

You: Sure.

*You step aside and Najenda enters the apartment*

You: *You close the door and look at Najenda* Is there anything I can get you? Coffee? Tea?

Najenda: *Looks at you* Oh!! I'm good, thank you for asking.

You: Where's General Esdeath?

Najenda: Esdeath's out checking on the reconstruction of the Capital.

You: I see.

Najenda: *Looks around the apartment* Where's Akame? Is she out or asleep?

You: Probably still asleep. If she wasn't, I should've seen her while going to the door.

Najenda: Fair point. I hope she didn't forget.

You: *Confused expression appears on your face* Forget what?

Najenda: *Looks at you* Akame and I are going to our old hideout outside of the Capital to scavenge everything there.

You: You guys have a hideout?

Akame: *Appears behind you out of nowhere* Yes.

You: *Jump in surprise* GYAH!! *You turn around and look at Akame* Sheesh Akame!! Don't scare me like that!! You almost gave me a heart attack!!

Akame: *Looks at you* Aren't you a little young to have a heart attack?

You(In thoughts): *You sigh* She is one complicated chick. Literally.

Akame: Anyways. *Looks at Najenda* When shall we depart for our hideout, boss?

Najenda: Whenever you and (M/n) are ready, we can go.

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