Part V(Final)

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Imperial Capital

City Streets



You: *Armored skeletons falls to the ground behind you* Sheesh!! I've taken down at least five of these things and their still coming!!

Woman: HELP!!

You: *You look to your right* Huh?

When I looked to my right, I saw a woman backed up against a building wall as four armored skeletons close in on her with weapons at the ready. As much as these monsters annoy me, now's not the time to complain, so I ran straight for the skeletons and attack them to prevent them from harming the woman.

Slash after slash, block after block, I gave my all to ensure victory was mine and not the enemy's. During my fight against the skeletons, there were times that they were close to impaling or slicing me to pieces, but I managed to avoid that and soon, I finished them all of with just torn clothes and some minor scratches on my skin.

You: *You turn to the woman* You okay?

Woman: *Nods to your question* Y-Yeah. Thank you for saving me.

You: *You nod in acknowledgement* No problem, madame.


You(In thoughts): I better go help Akame before her fight with the murderer gets out of hand.

You: *You look at the woman* Get as far away from here as possible. And whatever you do, don't stop.

Woman: *Nods to your orders* Y-Yes sir!!

With that said and done, the woman and I went our separate ways as I head straight for Akame's current location. Along the way, I'm pretty sure General Esdeath and Najenda are on their way with reinforcements. The only problem is, when will they arrive?

I just hope that they get here sooner than later, because I have no idea how long me and Akame can last on our own out here. About thirty minutes later, I finally arrive at Akame's current location and I find her clashing blades with the murderer.

Akdon: You fight well. As expected of the legendary Akame.

Akame: Hmph!! If you weren't an enemy, I would've been honored to hear that.

*Akame breaks the clash and jumps back to where you are*

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