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its so hot in school today , mr. sun is like burning in anger.. our classes is going on but my mind is flying somwhere , im really looking forward for lunch, im looking forward to see someone in the cafeteria,sitting on that same spot with his friends >_<

"KRIIIINNNNNNGFGGGGG!!!!!!!" that would be the bell for our last period in the morning to end.

"LUNCHTIME!!!WOOHOOOO!!" my classmates ransacked the door of our classroom.

Mr. Anderson our algebra teacher was not so pleased by wnat he sees , he didnt even said classed dismiss yet, poor him , hes too old to waste time scolding stubborn child like us.itll just add stress,so he just let it slide.

i am now really excited for lunch|!!!nina and orchidare by my side talking bout something for me not important , i dont want to talk right now im busy thinking of things that might happen when i enter that door of the cafeteria!!

i come up with these 3

a. i would get tripped and fall on my kness.then vincents hands will save me from fallin.

b, vincent will call me and let me sit by his side.

or c. a mixture of a and b.

im acting sick ahahahahahah!!!

here it is....the door

im about to enter it

i closed my eyes then


"ouch!!" someone hit my head

"hey girl are you ok!!" orchid was the one who hit my head.

"yes but then you hit me." i rolled my eyes.

"what was that for ?" i hold my head shakin it.

"i thought you were sleepwalkin so i woke you up" orchid said laughing a bit.

"well thanks " i said sarcastically.

"if i know you were thinking bout him" nina teased.

"im not thinking of vincent!!!" i rushingly added.

"i was not saying names silly!!" nina gave me that i-konw-your-secret grin.

"whatever"i rolled myeyes and turn to orchid.

"orchid, ive heard about this new fertilizers for plants and its so effective im telling you"orchid is really fondof planting and stuffs so i opened a new topic with her hoping she would be interested.

"youre just makin it worst c,youre so obvious" she said."we can help you with him if u want ^_^" orchid said with her eyebrow going up and down.

"you know,you can really help if u just shut up." i said plainly

"but girl!! what are friends are for?" nina insists.

"yeah its much easier to catch a whale when you have companions"orchid added.

"sorry orchid but i dont eat whales and besides catchin them is illegal i dont wanna go to jail for this instance " i waved my hands for the sign of no.

"caroline" they both begged.

i just ignored them and said

"ill just find us a seat" the two of them were in the line to get our foods..

wait wait wait..

i think i already did this ,

isnt this called deja vu

i looked for empty tables and secretly took a glimpse to vincent and his friends

gosh hes so hot today , he was wearing a rayban sunglasses and his dirty styled blonde hair..

if stealing glipmpses of someone from afar is illegal i think you can give me a death sentence now for stealing glimpses over and over again..

i just cant help it ..!!!! >_<

i am now sittin at the table with nina and orchid ..nina at my side and orchid in front of us both..

"hey nin" orchid started to make a conversation to nina.

"i was reading this book about lovespells yesterday and discover these ten steps to make someone fall inlove with you.

"wow that sounds interesting od." nina said lookin at me.

i just again ignored them but listens to what orchid was sayin.


STEP 1. look staright at him/her and concentrate..if he she looks back and your eyes met with each other ,then there is a chance , and you may proceed to step 2

STEP2.during night time when the sky is clear and full of stars .you need to make a bonfire outside your house or anywhere outdoor anddance "teach me how to douggie" around it the bonfire alone.after that you may proceed to step 3.

STEP3.make your own homemade burger and spell his name on the patty using chili sauce and eat it as fast as you could.the faster the better"gulp" i gulped on that step im really paranoid with spicy things..after that you may move on to the next step.

STEP4.during a big rain , try to catch asmany raindrops as u can using your hands ,then fill maybe a glass of water , then boil it ,cut out letters that spells your crushess name and put it to to that boiling water and let the water evaporate .after that bury bury the cut out letters you made from that boiling water .and sing your favorite song from start to ending with matching clapping of hands.

as usual proceed to step 5

"KKKKRRRRRIIIINNNGGG" goes that moment wreker bell

"its already time for our next class" orchid said.

"ill just continue the six more steps some other day" orchid closed her book.

"okay" :< ninas voice was like disappointed i didnt expect she was also serious listening to it.

we finished our food the startyed to go for our next subjct....i again took a glimpse at vincent who is now walking outside with his friends...all i can see is his sexy back>_< bwahahahaha

afternoon classes passed so quikly that i didnt learned a single knowlwdge i was so preoccupied by that ten steps to make someone fall inlove with you

i really wanted to give it a try .. maybe ill start with it tomorrow im excited!!! fuck!!!! i didnt saw vincent on my way home today .. i walked the narrow street again fillied with unfamiliar thoughts..

CAROLINES AWAKENINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon