Christmas With the Kids- 2 to 3 years old

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(A/N so I know Christmas passed but I don't care it cute)

Christmas with all of them in lion onsies. Waking up to a dog pile on his bed of excited shouts that Santa came

Shiro tiredly carrying Pidge and Hunk down the stairs as Lance and Keith run ahead shouting.

They all get stuffed lions and Keith and Lance immediately start arguing about who's is better.

Pidge and Hunk playing with theirs together.

Uncle Coran coming over with a ton of weird foreign candy.

Allura and Shiro working together to cook dinner with all the children underfoot.

Big food fight at dinner that ends up with Hunk sad about the wasted food, Lance with mashed potatoes in his hair, Keith covered in gravy, and Pidge hiding in a corner with the bread rolls.

They finally put on a movie to keep them occupied in another room, something about giant robot lions in space, and the adults clean up the mess.

Coming back in an hour later, they find them all cuddled together asleep.

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