My Mother Calls Me Burned Chicken Leg

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Disclaimer: In case you didn't know... this is the people from SnowBaz666 account

Evan's P.O.V.
    Hello there, my name is Evan Thorne, you may not call me Burned Chicken Leg. That's what my mother called me when I was younger, (she hallucinates a lot.) after my father died she began to smoke illegal substances that young children should not know about. (Please don't report me. Please don't report me. Please don't report me.)
    But you may call me Master, Oh Mighty One, King, Dictator, I think you get the gist.
    Now that we are acquainted and I have finished our introduction, you may or may not want to know one last thing: I'm bisexual.
    At the same time, my friend Rowan says "You're one of the most powerful mages of all time." But, you know, same thing.

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