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Short a/n- I changed my mind and will no longer have 3 books. When this book ends which don't worry it wont be anytime soon. But when it ends then i'll probably start a new book. Ok bye.

Millie and Noah searched every where Sadie and Finn might be. But no they weren't anywhere Millie started to tear up and then her phone vibrated and the unknown number texted her again and the message read

You and Noah are running out of time. You have 2 more days to find Finn and Sadie. Good luck!

"2 days!" Millie yelled, "only 2 days!" "What do you mean Millster?" Noah asked the yelling girl, "I got another text saying we only have 2 more days to find Sadie and Finn" she said back. Noah was confused. Who would take Finn and Sadie. 2 more days repeated in Millie and Noahs heads as they were laying in there bedrooms on there beds, Where are they?, they kept saying in there minds, Please let me find them. The went to sleep and woke up at 3 am to see cops at Finns house and Sadies house. They police had found out they were missing too, because there parents called them. Millie couldn't here anything and neither could Noah do to the loud police sirens. Millie could read Mrs. Wolfhards lips and could only make out one thing, Hes gone but where is he! Millie went back to sleep and ignored it all, Help me please i've got to find him and her, were Millies last thoughts before falling completely asleep.

Short but i have to write my Foah book.


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