15: The Prank Revenge

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His nose was literally three centimetres from mine. How did he get here so fast? That was when I heard his breathing and I reacted by taking a step back.

Luckily we were outside the restaurant doors by now, if we were still inside, I would probably cause a commotion. But now that I think about it when I stood up and headed for the doors, Ice Pack Stealer was already behind me. It was until a little later that he decided to say: "I'm done as well. Please excuse me too." So by the time I turned around to see where he was, he was already in my face.

"What's the hurry?" he asked.

I ignored his question, pretended that he wasn't front of me and turned away.

"I know you can hear me Juli— I mean Mermaid. So why aren't you answering me?"

Ah nah. I can't hear you. I continued to walk away from him, passing the marble fountain that was in the centre of the garden. Is he calling me Mermaid again? Then out of nowhere, he grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

"Why are you always annoying me?" I glared at him and then at the hand which was holding onto my shoulder.

"Annoying you?" he raised his eyebrows. "You're the one who declared the prank war. You're the one who's annoying me. Thanks to you my shoes will never be the same again."

Geez, why is he so weird? One moment he was calm and quiet. The next moment he's like this. Talk about anger management issues. I glanced at my shoulder again. And what's with the shoulder contact?

"You're welcome!" I said still feeling annoyed that his hand was resting on my shoulder. "And don't touch me." I snapped and shrugged his hand off.

He looked shocked for a bit. Probably because of my 'don't touch me' statement. But really, what made him think that he has the right to even touch me, making us seem like we're so close and all. Wait, did I just use the word 'us'? That's it! I need to clear my head.

Seeing Ice Pack Stealer still flabbergasted, I just rolled my eyes and tried to get away from him as far as possible and as fast as possible. It seemed like he wasn't following me anymore. That's a relief.

Near the fountain at the centre, I found a wooden bench and settled myself down. Finally some peace and quiet.

Sitting there and thinking about how I'm going to get to school tomorrow, I wondered if I could catch the bus on time. I probably would need to wake up an extra thirty minutes earlier. But I guess I have no other choice. That also reminded me that I need to find the nail polish remover without Mum knowing as well. If I directly ask her where it was, she would probably be suspicious of me. Then again would the nail polish remover do the trick to get rid of the glue? Well, I really hope so because that super glue was quite strong.

When I glanced at the time on my watch, I realised that I've been thinking for almost fifteen minutes. Time really does fly when you're thinking about pranks.

"What were you thinking, Juliet?"

I had a mini heart attack when I heard a male's voice behind my back. But at the same time, my mind recognised that it wasn't Ice Pack Stealer's voice.

I turned around and saw Kadin's smiling face. "Did I scare you?" he chuckled. "Sorry about that."

Where did he come from? Do all guys learn this sneaking up technique from somewhere? Because one thing I'm certain that all guys have in common is that they can scare people from literally out of nowhere.

I turned my back to him, "Aren't you supposed to be working?" I asked with my annoyed voice. I seriously want to shoo him away because I'm practically not in the mood to be talking to anyone.

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