I am happy.

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I have this amazing girlfriend

I still have my job

I still do have Gender Identity Issues---but my fiance/girlfriend/best friend has been helping with that^^; So now I'm at the point where I can deal with she/her but I still don't like ma'am but to be fair if I was a woman, trapped in a man's body----I still wouldn't like that one ^^; so that in itself is a seperate issue. 

I am now vegan. I don't really wanna have 'cheat' days but my fiance thinks it would be a good idea.....I'm gonna see how I feel after 2 weeks of no dairy^_^ I'm also thinking of ruling gluten out too...but I'm going to 'ease' into that after I am comfortable just being vegan because right now, my cravings are going heywire;especially since my work upgraded meals. But I can't afford any of it so I guess that is good lol. helps with my self-control. 

Going to be recording my overtime in here as well. 

when I write HERE for some reason--as opposed to my past accounts...I feel more alive I guess? 

I feel more....ME. 

I also feel like my relationship is constantly getting better every day. 

I feel like every day I'm closer to being rich. 

anyways. I have to go. ^_^

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