[3. English Girls]

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We had gone to Marcus' party. It was fine for a while. Tyler drank like it was his last night alive. I didnt have any alcohol. But I did have a couple cigarettes. I liked them. It wasnt my first time though. One would say I'm addicted. But I only smoke them on weekends or days I dont have school. 

"Hey! DAN!" Tyler called me over. I pulled the cigarette from my mouth. 


"Im leaving," He said and ran off. I began to run after him, he was my ride home. When I made it outside to find him, i saw him get into a uber with some guy. I dont know his name. 

Actually, there were several ubers. I noticed about 3 other guys outside too. 2 of them looked as upset as me. I think their names are Troye and PJ. "Hey..." I waved awkwardly at them. 

"Hey," Troye replied sadly. 

"Your date leave too?" PJ asked sounding just as defeated. 

"Actually, my ride did," I bit my lip. They nodded. 

"At least hes not my boyfriend.. That'd be worse," PJ tried to be optimistic. 

"I guess," Troye sat on the corner. PJ and I did the same. 

I glanced around and noticed the front door was still open. You could see the bar. I saw some blonde guy wink at me. I flushed and looked away. But when I glanced back, he was watching from the threshold. 




I had just moved. I already missed Manchester. But now I'm here in Florida. Its not all bad though. Despite my blue-dyed fringe and various tattoos, I met some friends. They had a similar style to me. We all were clad in black leather. 

I revved up my bike and began to pull out. Connor, Chris, and I were all going on a midnight ride. 

After a few moments, we drove near a house where a party was happening. But I slowed down. Because the boys are crying on the corner. I parked and Connor and Chris did the same. 




3 punk-looking guys pulled up on their bikes. A wave of fear washed over me. I felt PJ tense next to me. Troye was too busy crying to notice right away. "Are you guys okay?" The one with a blue-dyed fringe and northern english accent asked. 

"And why is he crying?" The shortest one asked. 

"Connor, you cant just ask that?" The curly haired one who also had a northern english accent interjected. 

"Hes crying because the boys all left and they've had too much to drink," I answered. Troye sniffled and looked up, locking eyes with the short one - Connor. 

"I can take you home if youd like," Connor offered gently. Troye nodded softly and stood up. Soon after, they left. 

"I wish we're in London. Preferably mid October," PJ muttered. 

"Saaame..." I drew out my words, putting my cigarette back in my mouth, relighting the end. I glanced behind me to see the blonde still there. 




"Are you okay?" Phil asked again. 

"He's convinced the blonde by the bar just gave him a wink," PJ answered for Dan, causing Dan to flush pink. And the words he spoke left them in disbelief. 

He said, "smoke whatever you've got left. It's getting late and we don't have much to lose" Dan nodded in agreement. 

Just then PJ's phone went off. He looked and groaned. "My parents got home early and want to know where I am and where ever I am that i need to be home," He explained. 

"I can drive you," The curly haired one offered. 

"I dont even know your name," PJ replied. 

"Its Chris," He replied. 

"Errm... Fine, Chris." They got on the bike and drove away. 

I bite my lip. 

"Might as well introduce myself. Im Phil," He introduced, holding his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I blushed, staring up at him. 

Well, I said, "London boys they just like sex." I mentally slapped myself. We're in Florida. He seemed amused. 

I couldn't believe when he said "I've got news for you. Manchester boys do too." A light when off. Manchester boys do too.... 

My face went red as the words left his tongue. I reached into my back pocket and I roll up a cigarette and he strikes a paper match. He starts my cigarette for me and discards the match. 

We stand there for a moment. One of my arms free and a cigarette in my mouth. His arm around my waist. He moved his head and one hand. He cups my ear and I can tell he's pouring honey inter my ear as us teenage kids were getting getting pissed on cider and black. 

The house was behind us, about 5 meteres away. He slowly walked until he pins me against the wall. He tells me I'm beautiful. I say I'm going home. 

That's when he said, "Smoke whatever you've got left. It's getting late and we don't have much to lose."  

I let out of puff of smoke from the cigarette as a response. He smirks. I realize how beautiful he really is. Im sure he'll leave though. And that boy, he is a drifter. Tomorrow he'll be far away. And the moment before he kissed me; he tells me I'm beautiful. 





I awoke in my own room with a body next to me. The events of the night before rush back into my mind. Shit. I used to have one night stands. But that was in Manchester. Not this small Florida town. I cant just leave. 

I look down at the boy. Dan. 

He's cute. And seems lovable. Maybe - just maybe - I could make this more than a one night stand. 


I jumped around a bit for this last verse oops 

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