1 Before Everything

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Note: This is the first story I ever tried to write completely in English. So please don't be angry at me if something isn't written right or sounds ugly.


Before Everything


>In a the world of the past, to key to survival is power< that's what they said to us over and over again. But what could it mean, when to gain on power, was to give up on our humanity?

I still remember the day, when everything begun. It was many centuries ago. My family lived in the legendary Atlantis, to sunken City. It was our home. Everyday we would pray to our Gods and make them sacrifices. The Corn was always plenty and the stores always overfilled. My kind was so happy, once we finally got there. We never wanted to leave, but it was the Fury of the Gods, that destroyed our home. After all this time, the Atlantian people became to arrogant. To became so powerful, that humanity was no longer something, they would know.

I was only ten years old back then. At this day, the barricades holding back the water disappeared and a disaster happened. In the depths of the Sea many humans were meant to die. I saw how my family was drown. I was about to suffocate myself, when I could hear a voice in my head.

"Child live! We soon need your help," the voice said and I could see the shape of a golden Dragon before my very eyes. It was nothing special. To sharp claws at the upper and to feeds at the End. The Dragon had a long tail which ended in form of ... a bell? Two big wings hung out of it's back and it had azure blue eyes. It looked, like the Sky itself were banished and captured inside his eyes.

It's face looked almost human. I can still remember a mighty pull and then I opened my eyes again. I was standing at a shore an I saw the waves of the Ocean before me.

I decided to continue on. I didn't hold anything, no belongings, no money ... nothing. I was all alone and on my own. The only thing I still held, was my own name, the name of a witch.


At this shore I made a decision. From this day my sole role was to follow the way of my family or to die on this way. I cut my hair and took a sword. This was how my great journey through history began. This is how I should meet the one creature, that was made to be mine.


The journey never seemed to end and nearly a decade later I was attacked by the Gods again. They tried to kill me with flames and thunder, while I used all the magic of my old family to force them away from me. Depp down I knew that I would die in the process, but I couldn't accept the fact that I would go down without a fight. The Gods were powerful and immortal, while I was just a weak and mortal human, with the magical powers of the past times.

Out of despair I finally cast a spell that was to end the things. The Gods let me go, while a powerful creature climbed out of my body. I was dying, while the Gods reached their goal. Their business with me was done. My body fell to the ground. I felt how my heartbeat became weaker with the moment and my breath faded away. With the last blink of my eyes, I saw the dragon, the one from my old dream back in Atlantis. It was the one who saved me. It's skin was now no longer golden, but the dark of the night. His mouth hovered over me, while my eyes closed for the last time.

Something warm was put inside me. Just seconds later I knew, that it was the dragon's breath. He brought me back to life and gave me it's old power. In my mouth now burnt his flames and I embraced the feeling of the dragons kiss even more. It was so warm and all life was back in my body. I felt, how his razor sharp teeth scratched over my skin. The dragon took may body and flew away in the skies. Not even the Gods could do anything against me. Now that I was with the dragon, i was safe.

Still I couldn't open my eyes. The Blackness of Death was lingering beside me and afterlife tried to pull my soul away. I did hold on, until my strength was fully drained. I gave in to the Black without trying to hold back anymore ...

My mortal life was over and my death was the one stone, that was now laid down.


When I opened my eyes, everything was crystal clear. My body felt different then ever before. Just then I heard the voice of my mother's.

"Arin, every witch has a creature that watches over them. If a witch should ever get the power to summon her guardian, than she would live only, till she got a look at her guardian. A witch who sees her guardian or summons him, is meant to be a dead witch."

"Am I dead?," I asked myself and looked behind my back.

A blazing fire burnt behind me and a human lay beneath it on the ground. It was a guy with a very pale face. He had long dark hair and slept loudly. Then I realized, that he was naked.  Afraid I jumped up and it was then I noticed, that I was naked like the day I was born.

In absolute silence I begun to run away. What happened between me and this guy? Did we do anything? Or did he try to ...?

I couldn't think this. I am the witch after all! We would he do something to a witch, an enemy of humans? My mind didn't get a plausible explanation.

A camp appeared in front of my.  Before one human had the opportunity to take in the situation I broke in one of the tents and stole some clothes. When the humans came into the tent, I was already gone.

I run faster and deeper in the forest. It wasn't much later, until I bang my head against a wall - an invisible wall.

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