(➰) Chapter 1

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"Linda" I whined at my best friend, Linda Merida. She is more of a morning person unlike me. She's like a sister to me. We do everything together. She has blonde hair that goes beyond her collarbone and blue dark eyes.

"Samantha" She mimicked me. I glared at her. I do not sound like that. She was by the door tapping her feet on the ground. "Seriously, we need to go to school."

"No, I want to sleep," I said as I put my pillow on my face to cover the light. Ugh! I hate mornings!

"No, it's your 18th birthday and I thought you were excited to find your mate," she says. It's true. I have been waiting for this to come. To find that one person that completes you. Some wolves couldn't find their mates on the day because their mates might not be in their pack. They can be anywhere. But I get a feeling that mines close by.

"As much as I love to find my mate I wanna sleep," I said through the pillow. I might just need to sleep more than I need my mate. But I rather have both.

"Okay, that's it!" I peeked to see my impatient best friend. She opened the door and yelled, "Riley! Bruce! Xavier!" Riley and Bruce are my friends and Xavier is my twin brother.

Riley Marcos is my best friend's mate. He is the best whenever I need a distraction from Linda or in pranking her. Seriously, call this guy when you want to get back at your best friend.

He has dark brown hair with a bit of strand covering his eyebrows. Hazel green eyes. Oh, did I mention the cute dimples? He and I have been friends since 4th grade. I was the reason they met. He and Linda are mates, and they were always there for me. They would always cheer me up and they always knew what to say.

Bruce Williams is the serious type of guy but when he is drunk well you can call him a maniac, crazy as hell, and the most daring. There was one time when he was so drunk, we dared him to make out with a senior guy. We found him making out with a senior guy in the closet, but we didn't tell him that we took a video of him. Just imagine a jock that looks like a douche but with a kind heart. He has light brown hair and dark brown eyes.

Xavier Parker, my twin brother. We both have brown hair but mine is darker. I have blue eyes like my mom, and he is dark brown like my dad. He's protective of me and treats me like a younger twin- I mean I was the one who popped out first. He is a bit of a worrywart sometimes and it's way too easy to pull pranks on him. He is just too predictable.

The boys went into the room then looked at me then at Linda. Linda gave them a look then they nodded. They quickly pinned my arms and legs and started to tickle me.

"Ahhhh! Stop! Plea-please! S-stop!" Did I mention I was ticklish?

"Only if you get ready for school," Linda said while trying not to smile. She tried to look dead serious but failed.

"Fine!" I said then they let me go. I stood up and walked to my bathroom. "I hate you," I muttered.

"We love you too," they all said. I knew that they could hear me because of the werewolf thing. As for werewolves, our senses are magnified. We can hear, feel, see, and smell better than an average human. We are stronger and faster than one too.

After I showered and put on clean clothes, I ran downstairs and spread my arms. "Are you happy now?"

"Very," they all said at the same time. I rolled my eyes and got my breakfast and ate fast. "Come on, if we leave now then we can still make it."

"What time is it?" I asked as I took one last sip and put away the dishes. They all grabbed their bags and went outside. "Is no one going to answer me?"

"Time for you to get a watch." Riley joked. I rolled my eyes. We all went to Bruce's van. Bruce was in the driver's seat and before I got to call shotgun, Xavier beat me to it.

"Sorry, Sis. Guess you have to sit at the back with the love birds." he grins and sits on the front seat. Damn it not the love birds! I sat beside the love birds. It was sweet that they are together but sometimes it feels like the 3rd wheel whenever they kiss or hold hands right in front of you. Raise of hands for all the 3rd wheelers out there. You are not alone!

It wasn't long until we reached school. It was packed with students. Most of the late ones like us are still making their way to the entrance since they walked all the way to school.

"I gotta go and find Ryder. Xavier said then looked for his best friend/ enemy, Ryder Jackson.

He is the worst human being in the world. An asshole, arrogant, jerk, My brother's best friend, Alpha's son, and my enemy.

He has never been nice to me. He always finds a way to embarrass me and try to keep people away from me. Like I have this crush back in 6th grade and we just started talking then all of a sudden, he stopped. I knew because whenever he would try, Ryder suddenly pops up.

Ryder Jackson couldn't care less about me. All the mean comments and pranks he did. It just seems impossible for him to say something nice without any catch. He has dark brown hair with natural light brown highlights. Dark brown eyes but they would often turn dark gold because of his wolf.

"I'm going to get stuff in my locker. Riley, you coming?" Bruce asked him. He nodded then kissed Linda on the cheek. I smiled. It's nice to see them so happy. Before they even got together as mates they were just friends. I have been their guidance counselor for years about how they liked each other but they didn't tell each other that.

Riley and Bruce walked to the locker. We were still in the parking lot as our friends went inside through the side entrance which was closer to their locker.

"Come on Sam," she said, then started walking to our locker. I followed her but stopped when I smelled a sweet scent. "Sam?" I forgot she was there.

"Uhhh... You go ahead." I said giving her a smile. That smell filled my nose. It was mouth drooling. I looked at the school where students were coming in and out. "I have something to do."

"You sure?" she asked. I nodded. "It's like 5 minutes until class starts." I nodded at her and she sighed. "Well okay see you in math and you better show up. I don't want to be there alone in there." She said then walked away.

I followed the sent down the hall then turned but I was stopped when I was face-to-face with Ryder Jackson.

"Oh, hello there." I could smell the sweet smell coming from him. He probably put too much perfume on him. Where did he even get this kind of scent?

"Urgh! Jackson, I think you put on too much perfume." I said, covering my nose with my hand.

"Me what about you. You're the one with too much perfume." I rolled my eyes. He knows I never put perfume on me. "You're just jealous that I smell better than you" he smirked.

"Ha! Me? Jealous? Of you? Ha! Like in your fucking dreams." I said. I turned to leave but he continued talking.

"Don't worry many people are also jealous of me because I'm amazing, fun, good-looking-" I stopped him right there before he can continue praising himself.

"Yeah, I should probably just jump out of the building right now rather than listening to you praising yourself," I said. He gave me his famous smile.

"You'll come around soon," he said confidently. I rolled my eyes. I would not be one of the girls in school who would fall for his ass. I grind my teeth. He seriously pisses me off.

"Like how about hell no," I said then pushed him by the chest and I swore I could feel sparks on my hand. I pulled my hand back then looked at him. What was that?

He was in shock. "Mate" he whispered then looked at me and growled. "MINE!" I can't believe it. What was the moon goddess thinking? Was she trying to punish me? Ryder didn't care for me. And we both hate each other so why did she pair us up.

All I could think of right now is that Ryder is coming closer like I was his only meal, "Oh Shoot!"

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