(➰) Chapter 4

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Ryder Point of View

Samantha basically avoided me the whole day after our kiss. She wasn't there at lunch and in English class. What makes me think that she'll want to see me now? To reject me is one possible way.

Or maybe she is still mad at me for giving her detention for what I drew on her math book. I drew on it yesterday, hoping she'll get in trouble. It was kind of a payback for dyeing my hair pink last week.

I drove to Samantha's house then I suddenly felt nervous. What if she really does reject me. This will ruin my relationship with my friends and with her brother. This will ruin my relationship with her. I had always liked her.

Since the beginning. The first time we met, she never talked to me. Then we fought and we started to talk. With hate comments and stuff. But I didn't mind. I'm fine as long as I get to spend time with her. Oh my god, Xavier is going to kill me.

'Will you ever shut the fuck up. You know I can hear every fucking word you say! Our mate will not reject us. Just calm down' my wolf, Blake yelled at me in frustration. No shit, Sherlock. You're in my fucking mind.

'I heard that' if I could see him now, he would be glaring at me now.

'You were supposed to, dumbass' he growled. I mentally rolled my eyes. My wolf and I have this kind of relationship. Kind of a brotherly kind. It's weird since all werewolves don't fight with their wolves. Wolves are a part of you. For some reason, my wolf is the exact opposite. We don't think the same or agree on anything. The only thing in common was protecting Sam.

I pulled up at her neighbor's house. What am I even going to say? Hi, I just want to see you again- ugh! I'm totally whipped. Never start with the cheesiest line. It's Sam's worst enemy.

Suddenly there was a knock at my window. I turned around to see an old lady , maybe around 60 with light brown hair with some white strands and green eyes. She was knocking at my window. I rolled down my window.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I was just gonna ask you if you need anything," she said. I could tell she's a human because I don't recognize her from the pack.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because when people stop by my house it either means they need something or they're in trouble or a problem" she eyed me suspiciously. "I hope you don't do drugs, young man."

"No, of course not ma'am," I said.

"Good," She studied my face as if she was trying to read my mind or something. "So, what's the problem," She said. Why would she think I have a problem? "If you don't need anything from me and you don't do drugs then something is up," she said like she read my mind. "And I'm guessing it's a girl."

How the hell does she know? We just met a few minutes ago.

"Come on, I'm a good listener." Well, it's better than talking to my best friend about his twin sister.

"Well...there's this..girl," I said as I scratched the back of my neck. She clapped her hand and asked me if she was pretty. "She's gorgeous," I said and smiled. She is imperfect and perfect at the same time. "She's kind, smart, funny, brave, beautiful, caring, the most daring, and an extraordinary girl who treats me differently. She just makes my life worth living. As long as she's there."

"Then what's the problem?" she asks. I glanced at her house. The woman waits patiently for my answer.

"I don't think she wants me," I said and sighed sadly. Before she asks, I continued, "I always teased her and I would get her in trouble all the time and she would do the same for me. Since we were little, she would never think of me any more than her brother's best friend and the person that she hates. So why should I try to get it here when she doesn't want me."

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