(➰) Chapter 5

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Unknown Point of View

"Sir?" A rogue entered the room. I gave him and his companion a job a few hours ago. I motioned him to move closer. He hesitated at first then nervously moved closer. I frowned at him.

"Is the job done," I asked. I didn't like what I saw. His face was pale, and I smell fear. I opened the drawer beside my desk. "Where is your companion?"

"M-My brother didn't make it," he says sorrowfully but fear was still laced in his voice. I tusked. I grabbed a gun from the drawer and pointed it at him. "N-No! Please!"

"You have exactly 5 minutes to explain what the hell went wrong?"

"H-her mate was protecting her while she was shifting. We were fine until she ambushed my brother and snapped his neck." He stutters nervously. Fear rose to his throat as I unlocked the safety cap on the gun.

"And so, you ran away like a bitch." I spat. I pulled the gun down. I left it on the table.

"S-sir?" he croaked. I pulled him by the shirt and slammed him hard on the wall. He whimpered in pain and looked at me with my favorite kind of expression. Fear.

"I'll give you one assignment. You better not fail this one, boy. I want you to find me a witch. A black witch, you hear me?" he nods then I let him go. "Now get out."

"How nice of you to give the boy a chance." Another man with a deeper voice came.

"Who said I did? I'm still going to kill his family after I'm done with him." I look at the dark man with a long scar on the side of his face. "So, what are we going to do with her mate? He's one of your pawns isn't Heather?"

"Yes. I need him. But I also need him dead. When the time comes, he will serve his purpose." he says and drags a knife over the desk. "But for now. We can wait while I make the preparations for the upcoming blue moon."

"Perfect," I say with a crooked smile.

Samantha Point of view

I watched Ryder coming closer. I couldn't move. I was still frozen in my place. Still wondering what he will do. My question was answered but it only brought more questions into my head.

Ryder has his head on mine. His eyes were closed, and he let out a (wolf) sigh of relief. I stared at him. Shocked by the sudden gentle affection. We broke away when we see pack wolves and Ryder's dad in their wolf forms.

Ryder and his dad nod at each other as a sign of acknowledgment. "Take Sam home. We can handle things from here. We can talk about this tomorrow." His dad says. Ryder nodded and nudged me to run back to my house.

I ran. It was the best run of my life. The wind rushing past you. Paws digging and pushing the ground to gain more speed. The smell of the forest and the sound were calming. I can feel freedom when I run. I felt wild as I dodge trees and leaves in my way. I felt alive.

I slowed down when I saw my home. I walked slowly to the back door. I heard a familiar crack of bones. When I turned around, I saw Ryder in just his shorts. I drooled at the side of his exposed chest. I shook my head as I tried to get inside but I couldn't. I need human hands to open the damn door.

"Sam?" I sucked a breath. I turn to Ryder. He is now holding a blanket. Where did he get that? "You have to shift back now," he says with a soft gentle voice. He knows. He knows what pain I have to go through again.

I whimpered. The first time hurts and the next will too. I haven't gotten used to it since I only change once. Ryder was already used to it. My friends said that the more you shift the lesser the pain you will feel. I played on the grass. I was getting ready to shift but I was shaking. I didn't want to feel my bones breaking. How my body burned from my inside and out. How my teeth sank back into my gums. My claws crawling back as my body shifts.

Ryder knelt in front of me. He pulled me so my head was in his arms. He rubs my fur gently. I breathed into his scent. "I'm here Sam. I'll be here the whole time." He says as he rubs my fur down then up. He rubs my forehead.

I was relieved to hear that. I took one last breath and it started. It started on my right thigh. I howled in pain. Ryder was holding me as the cracking sound traveled to my ribs. I cried out and Ryder just sat there and held me.

What felt like hours. The pain was finally gone. I was back to my human form. Ryder wrapped me with the blanket he used to cover me while I was shifting. He carried me bridal style into the house. I was too tired to care that I was naked under the blanket. I just snuggled into Ryder's warm chest and fell asleep in his arms.

Ryder Point of view

I placed her down on her bed. With the blanket wrapped around her, I pulled the covers over her. Making sure she won't be cold as she sleeps. I brush her hair from her sleeping face. I pressed my lips on her forehead and on cue she smiled. It made my heart flutter.

"I knew by the way." I pulled back in instinct and saw Linda by the door with her arms crossed. Her expression was unreadable, but it wasn't near happy. "Since this morning. I saw how you two were acting. I wasn't happy though when Sam didn't tell me. I wonder why. Was it because she didn't want you as a mate?" her words stung. Sam didn't want me. "Or was it because she thought you would reject her-"

"Never," I said. I didn't even hesitate. She smiled at me. She seemed satisfied and she uncrossed her arms. She moves closer and grabs an oversized shirt.

"It's a nightdress, stupid," she says, and I scowled. She motioned me to get out, but I wouldn't budge for some reason. "Do you want to be the one to undress her? Oh, wait don't answer that." she silently laughed when she saw my face. A hint of pink and a hint of irritation. "Just get out."

I did and I waited till she got out. Just before she left, she said to treat her best friend like a princess. I'll treat her like she was my life. I went inside just in time to see her kick the covers down. I sighed. Typical Sam. I went over there and pulled the cover on her. Just as I was about to leave, she grabbed me. A death grip I would say.

"Don't go," she says softly. With her eyes still closed she repeated those 2 words. Over and over again. She moved back to make space for me and pulled me in. I got in because I knew I couldn't try to push her away. She snuggled close to me and sighed. Her hot breath tickled the skin of my chest. My arms were wrapped around her and rubbed her back till I thought she was asleep.

I tried to pull back to leave then I heard her voice. "I thought I told you not to leave." I stopped moving and looked at her face. I can't decide whether or not she was awake or asleep. "It still hurts a little."

I held her. She made a line on my chest with her finger. I sucked a breath. "Don't do that." she made a weak laugh then everything was quiet. She fell asleep then I followed.

Sam Point of view

I love the warm feeling. The bed felt comfortable. I didn't wake up with cool air licking my skin like always. This is weird because I always push some of the covers out. This time it was wrapped around me. But it also felt hard and it was breathing. I didn't care until I heard the door slam open.

"Wake up love birds, time for school!" I literally jumped off the bed when I felt the thing was holding onto me. I looked up to see who was on the bed with me. I stared at Ryder with his shirt off. Hopefully, that was the only thing off.

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