(➰) Chapter 2

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He pushed me against the wall kissing my jaw down to my neck. It's like someone is controlling my arms and wrapping them around his neck.

He immediately attacked my sweet spot then I bit my lip trying to suppress my moans. He noticed then smirked. He sucked it hard then licked it. I tried to calm my raging heart. I let out a gasp when he bit my spot. "R-Ryder!" I say in a hushed tone. "S-Stop"

"Hey guys, have you seen Sam?" My eyes widened. Linda was just around the corner while I was having a heated make-out with Ryder of all people. I quickly pushed Ryder off me, but he held me tighter and growled. "Who's that?"

I could hear footsteps coming in our direction. I panicked and Ryder set me down, but he didn't look happy. I fixed my blouse then my hair while Ryder just watched me.

"Oh, there you are. '' Linda seemed annoyed at first then she saw Ryder. "Oh..Hi Ryder, your hair is um..." then turned to me with a confused look. Ryder didn't fix his hair that I had messed up when he kissed me.

"Umm.... Let's go to class we might be late" I said to her then grab her arm walking away from Ryder with Linda. She was still putting the puzzles together.

"Umm.. Sam?" Linda was looking at me, still confused. Students were now going into the classrooms to start their classes. "Damn we are so late."

"Yeah?" I replied, still walking away from Ryder. Anywhere away from Ryder.

"Class is that way," she says as she pointed in the opposite direction where our class should be. I stuttered.

"O-Oh.. Okay let's go" Well that was embarrassing. Now she was suspicious of me. I was about to walk in the opposite direction, but she grabbed my arm, pulling me back then she gasped.

"What is that?" she asked with a shocked face looking at my neck. Why was she looking at my neck? - Oh My God!

I ran to the nearest girl's bathroom with Linda on my trail. I pulled my brown hair back and saw what Ryder gave me. Oh My God-Ryder Jackson, I am so gonna kill you.

"Why do you have a hickey on your neck?!" My best friend asked while pointing at my neck. I gulped. I wasn't ready to tell her. I didn't want to tell her either because I never wanted Ryder to be my mate. Of all people! Why him?

Now how am I gonna explain this to Linda? How am I gonna hide this? It's really red. I covered it with my hair then turned to look at Linda.

"Samantha Parker?!" She is so damn loud. "Where did you get that?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips. I can't. Not when I'm sure Ryder was going to reject me. I don't want anyone to find out.

"I-" the bell rang. That was my escape. I ran down the hallway to my next class with my angry best friend hot on my trails. I barged in the class a bit too loud.

"Ms. Parker! Why must you barge in like a caveman! You are disrupting my class!" My math teacher told me. I apologized and walked to my seat a bit too fast then Linda came in. "And expected from you too, Ms. Merida. Sit down now!"

Linda had no idea what was going on but took a seat next to me. I could hear the teacher saying how disrespectful teenagers are now. She started the class.

I felt relieved that I escaped that, but I felt uneasy again as I felt a murderous aura coming from my best friend. I tried to focus on class and the teacher seemed to notice Linda.

"Ms. Merida, do you have a problem? If you don't then please come up and answer this on the board." Linda growled silently as she made her way to the board. My teacher has no idea that she saved me.

What am I gonna do?

I sighed. I opened my bag to get my notebook and a pen. I opened it and began to copy notes and solving equations. I turned the next page and saw an ugly drawing. What the heck? It was an ugly drawing of my math teacher but some stuff was added. Like horns, sharp teeth, big nose and so much more.

I wanted to laugh but I saw the back page. One name and a comment. I only read the bottom part which was signed by-

"What is this?" I flinched and I saw a furious math teacher. She saw the drawing but not the back portion. She picked it up and I swore my face was drained. "Very artistic of you. I should give you a prize for this. Detention for 1 whole week. Enjoy."

With that, she placed down my notebook and I sunk in my seat as eyes were on me. My whole face turned red. This is not my day. I turned to the next page. I frowned.

Of course, the person who drew this always finds a way to put me in trouble. I grit my teeth, "Jackson."

Happy birthday, Parker! Hope you'll have fun in detention--- always, Ryder Jackson.

I ripped the page. When did he do this? Great, now I have detention for something I didn't do on my birthday. "Thank you! I am so happy right now!" I thought sarcastically.

My phone vibrated. I peeked under the table and saw 1 message. Of course, from him. His timing is just too good.

Have fun, Parker. And have a happy Happy Birthday-- Jackson.

I tightened my fist and bit my lip. He is a devil spawn sent from hell. I can already see him laughing in his chair. Just wait till I-

Another message came from Jackson again. We need to talk. I'll be in your house after school----Jackson

I pressed my back onto the chair. I felt disappointed and hurt. I should feel this way since I already knew this was going to happen. I just thought things would turn out differently. My 18th birthday didn't go so well and it's still 9 in the morning. Pretty much today, I am going to get rejected by my mate. For some reason, it already hurts.

Don't get too depressed yet, Sam. You still have a best friend to escape from. Just until after Ryder's rejection. I looked at her, she was still solving another equation on the board. I looked at her stuff and began hiding them. This should buy me some time, I hope.

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