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Sam found himself once again, sitting all alone in the Impala reading a book with a flashlight. Dean had been given a year to live and was trying to make the best out of it, to say the least. Alcohol, slutty women and junk food had been pretty much his life for the last five months while Sam was just there, desperately trying to find a way to save him.

He spent his days with his eyes stuck to books, articles, online reports, anything that could get his brother off the hook. Talking to a few hunters as well, some of them coming up with great ideas, others not so much. But truth is, there was no one that could possibly break the demon deal other than the demon that held the contract itself and even then, that would only end with Sam dying so that was out of the question.

The night turned into day and the brothers drove to a little diner to have breakfast before hitting the road again to Dean's new adventure.

- "Hey, I appreciate you giving me a little quality time with the twins" Dean winked at his brother taking a sip of his freshly served coffee.

- "Yeah, sure. No problem" Sam replied quietly, reading the menu and not making a big deal out of it.

- "Really? No weary sigh or eye roll? That's a new one". Sam fake a smile and took a deep breath, doing his best to find the right words he wanted to say. He knew his brother was not going to like it.

- "So, I've been making a few calls and I found some kind of hoodoo priest outside of Lafayette that might be able to help us with, you know, your demon deal. I was just thinking that maybe if we go today, we'll be there by night".

The waitress came to take their orders, not letting Dean answer his brother's proposal but of course, the younger already knew the answer. It was always a no.

- "Nah, too far away" Dean simply replied.

- "Come on, we've done way more miles for much less".

- "Sam, no hoodoo spell's gonna break this deal, all right?" he did his best to not lose his temper over this.

- "Yeah, but we don't know that, Dean..." Sam was about to state a very valid point but his brother cut him off once again. He wasn't having it any other way.

- "We're not going and that's it" he cold-heartedly replied, checking two girls out that were making eye contact with him ever since he got there.

- "You know what? I'm done. I'm sick of being nice to you, sick of busting my ass trying to keep you alive and you don't even care so yeah, I don't care either". 

Sam stood and left the place mad. 

He couldn't believe his brother was acting this way. He had some kind of death wish or something? They had always been this protective of each other but this time Dean just didn't care. He decided to spend the day walking around the town, he had a lot going on in his mind and one hell of weight over his shoulders.

Dean on the other hand, moved his ass to the booth the hot girls were sitting and shared breakfast with them. He did his same old act with the ladies and of course, it worked once again.

Apparently, the girls were just passing by and were staying in some crappy motel near the diner and before you knew it, they were all over him in front of everybody in the diner. Dean tossed some bucks over the table and headed to their motel room right away.


You found yourself in that crappy motel room, cleaning up your guns and packing everything up to hit the road soon, another hunter had pass you a lead on a case not that far away from where you were and you were excited for once, apparently it was one of the big guys. You were just finishing up when you started hearing the sickening moans coming from next door. 

Yes, again.

A friendly reminder of how lonely and boring your life was thanks to the job. 
You were a loner at heart. There were some days when you enjoyed the company of other people but only if things felt comfortable enough around them. Most of the times, you'd rather be by yourself but still, a part of you longed to find a love like the ones you see in the movies.

Things on the other side of the room got loud pretty fast and it started bothering the hell out of you so you reached your bag searching for your earbuds until you heard it. 

Sounds like someone's fighting.

You thought and stepped outside, placing your ear on the door in attempts of  hearing something, anything and yeah, something was definitely happening in there but it could be just two love birds that liked it rough. You thought twice about stepping in but then finally gave in when you realized that maybe some sick bastard hurting his partner.

Gunning up, you knocked the door down to find two hungry Vetalas and some guy really beaten up, tied to a chair with a bleeding cut across his arm. A slight smile was shown in your face as you took your silver knife out of your thigh holster. There was nothing you liked more than hunting these sons of bitches and considering you were outnumbered, this was going to fun.

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