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I am so ashamed of myself all the time. I just feel like I'm worthless and replaceable.

All of us have felt like this a few times in our life maybe where you didn't feel like you are appreciated. Where you feel like everyone is just a fake friend, not everyone is fake, there are good people out there. Surround yourself with people show you that they care about you not only tell you.

If you ever have an idea that you want for any of my books please tell me.
Not all of these are written by me some
I found on random sheets of paper,
Some are true,
Some are ones that I made up.

If any of y'all feel like this you are free to contact me I will be happy to help and know that all of y'all are loved!!!!
Sorry this is so short I'm kind of on writer's block.
On almost all of them I will have a few small sentences then I will put something someone told me about themselves or something I made up to make u feel good about yourself!! No hating no nasty comments!

Love yall!!

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