Chapter 33

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"But Yoora-ah, is dad really home?" I asked my sister who's already eating beside Jimin.

After everything that occurred, Kang ahjumma prepared us lunch and we decided to stay until the evening before returning back to our houses.

"Actually father is upstairs in his room and he's sleeping... i think he is really in deep slumber.."

"Okay then.."

I honestly don't have any appetite to eat which I don't know why.

"Yejin-ah, gwenchana?" Jungkook suddenly whisper near my ears. Honestly it gave me goosebumps hearing how close he is.

"Oh uhm i -I'm fine" i said while faking a smile and started to eat whatever is in front of me.

After eating lunch we all went into my room and luckily its big enough for all of us.

"God i miss my bed" i murmured after throwing my body to my bed.

Jungkook sat beside me in the bed, Yein and namjoon sat on the sofa and Yoora and jimin sat on the floor.

"But Yejin-ah, where is our mom's grave actually?" He asked sounding very sad.

"Its actually near the church where i got married," I answered looking at him.

"Why don't we go there together today? I'm sure your mom will like it too," Jimin suggested earning nods from everyone.

Suddenly there's a knock from the door catching all of out attention.

"I'll go get it," i get up from the bed and twisted the door knob just to see-

"Appa?" I said in shock.

"How have you been?" He asked while looking at me.

I didn't answer him because i was thinking how would he react if he saw Yein? Is he gonna kick her out like the first time?

"I heard that Jungkook and your friends are here, just wondering if i can know who your friends are.."

My father really hasn't change a bit.

"Don't worry, they're from a rich family," i scoff in annoyance.

"If that's so, i still need to take a look at them,"

"Do as you wish" I don't know why but my anger now is boiling inside me and I think that i can explode any time.

He walked into my bedroom and at first he notice jungkook and jimin. And right after that, his eyes drifted to the couple on the sofa.

I could see that his face is confused plus shocked seeing them both. But that expression didn't last long until his original expression is back. The arrogant one.

"Well who do we have here.. are you guys my daughter's friend?" He asked earning all of our attention.

"Nae... " Yein answered

"What does your parents do little dear?"

He's acting like he doesn't notice again.

"My dad is working for a big clothes company and my mother... she.. she's dead in a car accident.." she answered and i know she was referring to our dad and mom.

"I see... so.. how have you been all this time Go Yein?"

Wait what? Did he just say her name? How? So he knew it was her?

"And you Kim Namjoon.. how is your study going?" He asked now referring to namjoon.

Wait, hold up. I'm so confused right now. How could he ask that after what he did all these time?

"Appa, you really are cruel." I say looking straight into his eyes.

"Yejin-ah, you don't have any right to say that to me. You should be thankful that they both are alive until now!" He shouted pointing to Yein and Namjoon.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I regret for not having Yein as my daughter, i really do. I'm so sorry for everything. I actually have been watching them since your mother died... i felt so sorry for her ... Honestly... your mother died in the car accident because she was on the way to see Yein and Namjoon at the apartment..."

"What? You're lying!"

"I'm really sorry Yejin-ah, i was the one who asked their foster parents to have them as their children.. I think with that way they'll have a happy life but I didn't know that you guys will meet each other... "

I can't even process anything that he said. Is he really my dad? Why is he so different? Wasn't he an arrogant man?

"Im sorry Yejin, Yein. I know it all happens because of my ego, I promise to be a better father in the future.. why don't you all live in this house with us? " he said sounding desperate.

"Wait appa, please give us time."

"Okay my daughter, whatever you want.." he said and walked out from the room and closed the door.

I automatically collapsed on the floor and jungkook ran to me asking if im okay. Its not like I'm passed out or what but I just feel so confused and tired. I just lay on the floor crying but jungkook carried me bridal style and lay me on the bed.

"Uhmm... Yein unni, namjoon oppa, why don't you guys stay here for the night? We have extra bedrooms anyway," Yoora said earning a nod from Jimin.

"Alright, i think its good for Yein too, i bet you're tired after all these things.."

Yein just smile weakly and one by one walked out from my room leaving only Jungkook and I.

"Oppa... what if my father isn't really a bad person as i thought? What if he really loves me and that's why he did all of this? He made this arrange marriage and-"

"Yejin-ah it's okay... i think you need to sleep for now... you've been through a hard day today.." he said and kissed my forehead.

I wrap my arms around his waist while his hands wrap around my shoulders.

"Saranghae, Jeon Jungkook"

"I love you too.."

His warmth is just perfect to make me feel protected and loved.

I think that i have accused my father wrongly all along. He worked so hard to give us food, clothes, shelter and i was supposed to be thankful but I treated him coldly all the time.

I feel so ashamed of myself.

I don't know why but some part of me just want me to have an amnesia so that i can forget about everything.

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