The World is Ending, You Know? (Megstiel)

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In this world Meg never died and Amara wins the battle. This story is tragically sad.

The World Is Ending, You Know? (A Megstiel Fanfiction)


Castiel's POV-

"In the beginning darkness covered the earth." I stand looking at the sky as Amara burns out the sun.

"And it looks like it will end covered in darkness too Clarence." Meg walks up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I sigh and cover her hand with mine. I gently lift her hand from my shoulder, turning to her, never letting go of her hand.

"Why do you call me that Meg?" I whisper, stroking her knuckles with my thumb. She smiles at me, shadows dancing across her face.

"You still haven't watched a movie or picked up a book, have you?" She chuckles, and I intertwine our fingers together. "Clarence is an angel from the movie 'It's A Wonderful Life' he earned his wings after he help show poor old George that he changed people's life. Just like my unicorn here does."

"Unicorn?" I ask still running my thumb over her knuckles.

"Because you're a magical creature Cas, you are one very magical creature." She takes her hand out of mine and sticks them in the pockets of her leather jacket and shifts her weight onto one hip. Her usual cocky grin grows on her face.

"Think Dean-o can pull it off. Talk The Darkness herself out of killing everyone?"

"I don't know Meg. I really don't." I look back up at the sky just to see the sun is almost completely black and it seems like there is no stopping it. Essentially the entire world is experiencing a deadly blackout. She steps forward, wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head against my shoulder. I wrap one arm around her waist and softly caress her dark hair with my other.

"You never show this much affection, in fact you never have shown any affection before."

"It's because I'm a demon, but you don't show much either for an angel." She lifts her head from my shoulder and looks up at me. I place my hand on the side of her neck, my eyes never leaving hers.

"Why now though? Why after all this time?" I ask softly, wondering why we wasted so much time. Wondering why we kept our feelings held back.

"Because the world is ending, you know, and I love you Clarence. I don't want to die without you by my side, the first person I have ever cared about since I became a demon. My magical unicorn." The tears in her eyes match the one in mine. I lean down and softly press my lips against hers, trying to prove to her just how much I care about her; after a minute she breaks the kiss resting her forehead against mine with closed eyes.

"I love you too Meg." I whisper.

"I don't think Dean could do it. The sun is going to be gone in a minute." She says, a sob in her voice. I open my eyes and realize she's right. It's almost completely dark. I pull away from her, keeping one arm around her waist.

I close my eyes and pray. Suddenly I feel a gust of wind and I open my eyes and Sam is standing in front of me, tears streaming down his face. I place a hand on his shoulder closing my eyes again. When I feel a second gust of wind, I reopen my eyes and find we are standing in front of the Impala with Dean sitting on the hood, beer in hand. He climbs off when he sees us.

"Cas? How did you do that? I thought your wing were unusable." Sam asks.

"God granted one last wish I guess. He must have agreed that we needed to be together for the last time."

"Guys, I'm sorry. I tried to talk her out of it but I couldn't." Deans says, his voice breaking, a tear trailing down his face. Sam envelops his older brother in a hugs.

"It's okay Dean, at least we're together." He whispers. Meg and I wrap our arms around them. All of us hugging our family in this last moment.

"Family is all that matters." I whispers, and with those words the world goes dark

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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